Merge tag 'android-11.0.0_r16' into android-10.0

Android 11.0.0 release 16 - twrp bringup patch
diff --git a/libpixelflinger/codeflinger/Arm64Assembler.cpp b/libpixelflinger/codeflinger/Arm64Assembler.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..271a9b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libpixelflinger/codeflinger/Arm64Assembler.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1240 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+ * are met:
+ *  * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ *  * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
+ *    the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+ *    distribution.
+ *
+ */
+#define LOG_TAG "ArmToArm64Assembler"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <cutils/properties.h>
+#include <log/log.h>
+#include <private/pixelflinger/ggl_context.h>
+#include "codeflinger/Arm64Assembler.h"
+#include "codeflinger/Arm64Disassembler.h"
+#include "codeflinger/CodeCache.h"
+** --------------------------------------------
+** Support for Arm64 in GGLAssembler JIT
+** --------------------------------------------
+** Approach
+** - GGLAssembler and associated files are largely un-changed.
+** - A translator class maps ArmAssemblerInterface calls to
+**   generate Arm64 instructions.
+** ----------------------
+** ArmToArm64Assembler
+** ----------------------
+** - Subclassed from ArmAssemblerInterface
+** - Translates each ArmAssemblerInterface call to generate
+**   one or more Arm64 instructions  as necessary.
+** - Does not implement ArmAssemblerInterface portions unused by GGLAssembler
+**   It calls NOT_IMPLEMENTED() for such cases, which in turn logs
+**    a fatal message.
+** - Uses A64_.. series of functions to generate instruction machine code
+**   for Arm64 instructions. These functions also log the instruction
+**   to LOG, if ARM64_ASM_DEBUG define is set to 1
+** - Dumps machine code and eqvt assembly if "" option is set
+**   It uses arm64_disassemble to perform disassembly
+** - Uses register 13 (SP in ARM), 15 (PC in ARM), 16, 17 for storing
+**   intermediate results. GGLAssembler does not use SP and PC as these
+**   registers are marked as reserved. The temporary registers are not
+**   saved/restored on stack as these are caller-saved registers in Arm64
+** - Uses CSEL instruction to support conditional execution. The result is
+**   stored in a temporary register and then copied to the target register
+**   if the condition is true.
+** - In the case of conditional data transfer instructions, conditional
+**   branch is used to skip over instruction, if the condition is false
+** - Wherever possible, immediate values are transferred to temporary
+**   register prior to processing. This simplifies overall implementation
+**   as instructions requiring immediate values are converted to
+**   move immediate instructions followed by register-register instruction.
+** --------------------------------------------
+** ArmToArm64Assembler unit test bench
+** --------------------------------------------
+** - Tests ArmToArm64Assembler interface for all the possible
+**   ways in which GGLAssembler uses ArmAssemblerInterface interface.
+** - Uses test jacket (written in assembly) to set the registers,
+**   condition flags prior to calling generated instruction. It also
+**   copies registers and flags at the end of execution. Caller then
+**   checks if generated code performed correct operation based on
+**   output registers and flags.
+** - Broadly contains three type of tests, (i) data operation tests
+**   (ii) data transfer tests and (iii) LDM/STM tests.
+** ----------------------
+** Arm64 disassembler
+** ----------------------
+** - This disassembler disassembles only those machine codes which can be
+**   generated by ArmToArm64Assembler. It has a unit testbench which
+**   tests all the instructions supported by the disassembler.
+** ------------------------------------------------------------------
+** ARMAssembler/ARMAssemblerInterface/ARMAssemblerProxy changes
+** ------------------------------------------------------------------
+** - In existing code, addresses were being handled as 32 bit values at
+**   certain places.
+** - Added a new set of functions for address load/store/manipulation.
+**   These are ADDR_LDR, ADDR_STR, ADDR_ADD, ADDR_SUB and they map to
+**   default 32 bit implementations in ARMAssemblerInterface.
+** - ArmToArm64Assembler maps these functions to appropriate 64 bit
+**   functions.
+** ----------------------
+** GGLAssembler changes
+** ----------------------
+** - Since ArmToArm64Assembler can generate 4 Arm64 instructions for
+**   each call in worst case, the memory required is set to 4 times
+**   ARM memory
+** - Address load/store/manipulation were changed to use new functions
+**   added in the ARMAssemblerInterface.
+#define NOT_IMPLEMENTED()  LOG_FATAL("Arm instruction %s not yet implemented\n", __func__)
+#define ARM64_ASM_DEBUG 0
+    #define LOG_INSTR(...) ALOGD("\t" __VA_ARGS__)
+    #define LOG_LABEL(...) ALOGD(__VA_ARGS__)
+    #define LOG_INSTR(...) ((void)0)
+    #define LOG_LABEL(...) ((void)0)
+namespace android {
+static __unused const char* shift_codes[] =
+    "LSL", "LSR", "ASR", "ROR"
+static __unused const char *cc_codes[] =
+    "EQ", "NE", "CS", "CC", "MI",
+    "PL", "VS", "VC", "HI", "LS",
+    "GE", "LT", "GT", "LE", "AL", "NV"
+ArmToArm64Assembler::ArmToArm64Assembler(const sp<Assembly>& assembly)
+    :   ARMAssemblerInterface(),
+        mAssembly(assembly)
+    mBase = mPC = (uint32_t *)assembly->base();
+    mDuration = ggl_system_time();
+    mZeroReg = 13;
+    mTmpReg1 = 15;
+    mTmpReg2 = 16;
+    mTmpReg3 = 17;
+ArmToArm64Assembler::ArmToArm64Assembler(void *base)
+    :   ARMAssemblerInterface(), mAssembly(NULL)
+    mBase = mPC = (uint32_t *)base;
+    mDuration = ggl_system_time();
+    // Regs 13, 15, 16, 17 are used as temporary registers
+    mZeroReg = 13;
+    mTmpReg1 = 15;
+    mTmpReg2 = 16;
+    mTmpReg3 = 17;
+uint32_t* ArmToArm64Assembler::pc() const
+    return mPC;
+uint32_t* ArmToArm64Assembler::base() const
+    return mBase;
+void ArmToArm64Assembler::reset()
+    if(mAssembly == NULL)
+        mPC = mBase;
+    else
+        mBase = mPC = (uint32_t *)mAssembly->base();
+    mBranchTargets.clear();
+    mLabels.clear();
+    mLabelsInverseMapping.clear();
+    mComments.clear();
+    ALOGI("RESET\n");
+int ArmToArm64Assembler::getCodegenArch()
+    return CODEGEN_ARCH_ARM64;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void ArmToArm64Assembler::disassemble(const char* name)
+    if(name)
+    {
+        printf("%s:\n", name);
+    }
+    size_t count = pc()-base();
+    uint32_t* i = base();
+    while (count--)
+    {
+        ssize_t label = mLabelsInverseMapping.indexOfKey(i);
+        if (label >= 0)
+        {
+            printf("%s:\n", mLabelsInverseMapping.valueAt(label));
+        }
+        ssize_t comment = mComments.indexOfKey(i);
+        if (comment >= 0)
+        {
+            printf("; %s\n", mComments.valueAt(comment));
+        }
+        printf("%p:    %08x    ", i, uint32_t(i[0]));
+        {
+            char instr[256];
+            ::arm64_disassemble(*i, instr);
+            printf("%s\n", instr);
+        }
+        i++;
+    }
+void ArmToArm64Assembler::comment(const char* string)
+    mComments.add(mPC, string);
+    LOG_INSTR("//%s\n", string);
+void ArmToArm64Assembler::label(const char* theLabel)
+    mLabels.add(theLabel, mPC);
+    mLabelsInverseMapping.add(mPC, theLabel);
+    LOG_LABEL("%s:\n", theLabel);
+void ArmToArm64Assembler::B(int cc, const char* label)
+    mBranchTargets.add(branch_target_t(label, mPC));
+    LOG_INSTR("B%s %s\n", cc_codes[cc], label );
+    *mPC++ = (0x54 << 24) | cc;
+void ArmToArm64Assembler::BL(int /*cc*/, const char* /*label*/)
+    NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); //Not Required
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+//Prolog/Epilog & Generate...
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void ArmToArm64Assembler::prolog()
+    // write prolog code
+    mPrologPC = mPC;
+    *mPC++ = A64_MOVZ_X(mZeroReg,0,0);
+void ArmToArm64Assembler::epilog(uint32_t /*touched*/)
+    // write epilog code
+    static const int XLR = 30;
+    *mPC++ = A64_RET(XLR);
+int ArmToArm64Assembler::generate(const char* name)
+    // fixup all the branches
+    size_t count = mBranchTargets.size();
+    while (count--)
+    {
+        const branch_target_t& bt = mBranchTargets[count];
+        uint32_t* target_pc = mLabels.valueFor(bt.label);
+        LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(!target_pc,
+                "error resolving branch targets, target_pc is null");
+        int32_t offset = int32_t(target_pc - bt.pc);
+        *bt.pc |= (offset & 0x7FFFF) << 5;
+    }
+    if(mAssembly != NULL)
+        mAssembly->resize( int(pc()-base())*4 );
+    // the instruction cache is flushed by CodeCache
+    const int64_t duration = ggl_system_time() - mDuration;
+    const char * const format = "generated %s (%d ins) at [%p:%p] in %" PRId64 "ns\n";
+    ALOGI(format, name, int(pc()-base()), base(), pc(), duration);
+    char value[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX];
+    property_get("", value, "0");
+    if (atoi(value) != 0)
+    {
+        printf(format, name, int(pc()-base()), base(), pc(), duration);
+        disassemble(name);
+    }
+    return OK;
+uint32_t* ArmToArm64Assembler::pcForLabel(const char* label)
+    return mLabels.valueFor(label);
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Data Processing...
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void ArmToArm64Assembler::dataProcessingCommon(int opcode,
+        int s, int Rd, int Rn, uint32_t Op2)
+    if(opcode != opSUB && s == 1)
+    {
+        NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); //Not required
+        return;
+    }
+    if(opcode != opSUB && opcode != opADD && opcode != opAND &&
+       opcode != opORR && opcode != opMVN)
+    {
+        NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); //Not required
+        return;
+    }
+    if(Op2 == OPERAND_REG_IMM && mAddrMode.reg_imm_shift > 31)
+        {
+        return;
+    }
+    //Store immediate in temporary register and convert
+    //immediate operation into register operation
+    if(Op2 == OPERAND_IMM)
+    {
+        int imm = mAddrMode.immediate;
+        *mPC++ = A64_MOVZ_W(mTmpReg2, imm & 0x0000FFFF, 0);
+        *mPC++ = A64_MOVK_W(mTmpReg2, (imm >> 16) & 0x0000FFFF, 16);
+        Op2 = mTmpReg2;
+    }
+    {
+        uint32_t shift;
+        uint32_t amount;
+        uint32_t Rm;
+        if(Op2 == OPERAND_REG_IMM)
+        {
+            shift   = mAddrMode.reg_imm_type;
+            amount  = mAddrMode.reg_imm_shift;
+            Rm      = mAddrMode.reg_imm_Rm;
+        }
+        else if(Op2 < OPERAND_REG)
+        {
+            shift   = 0;
+            amount  = 0;
+            Rm      = Op2;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); //Not required
+            return;
+        }
+        switch(opcode)
+        {
+            case opADD: *mPC++ = A64_ADD_W(Rd, Rn, Rm, shift, amount); break;
+            case opAND: *mPC++ = A64_AND_W(Rd, Rn, Rm, shift, amount); break;
+            case opORR: *mPC++ = A64_ORR_W(Rd, Rn, Rm, shift, amount); break;
+            case opMVN: *mPC++ = A64_ORN_W(Rd, Rn, Rm, shift, amount); break;
+            case opSUB: *mPC++ = A64_SUB_W(Rd, Rn, Rm, shift, amount, s);break;
+        };
+    }
+void ArmToArm64Assembler::dataProcessing(int opcode, int cc,
+        int s, int Rd, int Rn, uint32_t Op2)
+    uint32_t Wd;
+    if(cc != AL)
+        Wd = mTmpReg1;
+    else
+        Wd = Rd;
+    if(opcode == opADD || opcode == opAND || opcode == opORR ||opcode == opSUB)
+    {
+        dataProcessingCommon(opcode, s, Wd, Rn, Op2);
+    }
+    else if(opcode == opCMP)
+    {
+        dataProcessingCommon(opSUB, 1, mTmpReg3, Rn, Op2);
+    }
+    else if(opcode == opRSB)
+    {
+        dataProcessingCommon(opSUB, s, Wd, Rn, Op2);
+        dataProcessingCommon(opSUB, s, Wd, mZeroReg, Wd);
+    }
+    else if(opcode == opMOV)
+    {
+        dataProcessingCommon(opORR, 0, Wd, mZeroReg, Op2);
+        if(s == 1)
+        {
+            dataProcessingCommon(opSUB, 1, mTmpReg3, Wd, mZeroReg);
+        }
+    }
+    else if(opcode == opMVN)
+    {
+        dataProcessingCommon(opMVN, s, Wd, mZeroReg, Op2);
+    }
+    else if(opcode == opBIC)
+    {
+        dataProcessingCommon(opMVN, s, mTmpReg3, mZeroReg, Op2);
+        dataProcessingCommon(opAND, s, Wd, Rn, mTmpReg3);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        return;
+    }
+    if(cc != AL)
+    {
+        *mPC++ = A64_CSEL_W(Rd, mTmpReg1, Rd, cc);
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Address Processing...
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void ArmToArm64Assembler::ADDR_ADD(int cc,
+        int s, int Rd, int Rn, uint32_t Op2)
+    if(cc != AL){ NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); return;} //Not required
+    if(s  != 0) { NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); return;} //Not required
+    if(Op2 == OPERAND_REG_IMM && mAddrMode.reg_imm_type == LSL)
+    {
+        int Rm = mAddrMode.reg_imm_Rm;
+        int amount = mAddrMode.reg_imm_shift;
+        *mPC++ = A64_ADD_X_Wm_SXTW(Rd, Rn, Rm, amount);
+    }
+    else if(Op2 < OPERAND_REG)
+    {
+        int Rm = Op2;
+        int amount = 0;
+        *mPC++ = A64_ADD_X_Wm_SXTW(Rd, Rn, Rm, amount);
+    }
+    else if(Op2 == OPERAND_IMM)
+    {
+        int imm = mAddrMode.immediate;
+        *mPC++ = A64_MOVZ_W(mTmpReg1, imm & 0x0000FFFF, 0);
+        *mPC++ = A64_MOVK_W(mTmpReg1, (imm >> 16) & 0x0000FFFF, 16);
+        int Rm = mTmpReg1;
+        int amount = 0;
+        *mPC++ = A64_ADD_X_Wm_SXTW(Rd, Rn, Rm, amount);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); //Not required
+    }
+void ArmToArm64Assembler::ADDR_SUB(int cc,
+        int s, int Rd, int Rn, uint32_t Op2)
+    if(cc != AL){ NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); return;} //Not required
+    if(s  != 0) { NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); return;} //Not required
+    if(Op2 == OPERAND_REG_IMM && mAddrMode.reg_imm_type == LSR)
+    {
+        *mPC++ = A64_ADD_W(mTmpReg1, mZeroReg, mAddrMode.reg_imm_Rm,
+                           LSR, mAddrMode.reg_imm_shift);
+        *mPC++ = A64_SUB_X_Wm_SXTW(Rd, Rn, mTmpReg1, 0);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); //Not required
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// multiply...
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void ArmToArm64Assembler::MLA(int cc, int s,int Rd, int Rm, int Rs, int Rn)
+    if(cc != AL){ NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); return;} //Not required
+    *mPC++ = A64_MADD_W(Rd, Rm, Rs, Rn);
+    if(s == 1)
+        dataProcessingCommon(opSUB, 1, mTmpReg1, Rd, mZeroReg);
+void ArmToArm64Assembler::MUL(int cc, int s, int Rd, int Rm, int Rs)
+    if(cc != AL){ NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); return;} //Not required
+    if(s  != 0) { NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); return;} //Not required
+    *mPC++ = A64_MADD_W(Rd, Rm, Rs, mZeroReg);
+void ArmToArm64Assembler::UMULL(int /*cc*/, int /*s*/,
+        int /*RdLo*/, int /*RdHi*/, int /*Rm*/, int /*Rs*/)
+    NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); //Not required
+void ArmToArm64Assembler::UMUAL(int /*cc*/, int /*s*/,
+        int /*RdLo*/, int /*RdHi*/, int /*Rm*/, int /*Rs*/)
+    NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); //Not required
+void ArmToArm64Assembler::SMULL(int /*cc*/, int /*s*/,
+        int /*RdLo*/, int /*RdHi*/, int /*Rm*/, int /*Rs*/)
+    NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); //Not required
+void ArmToArm64Assembler::SMUAL(int /*cc*/, int /*s*/,
+        int /*RdLo*/, int /*RdHi*/, int /*Rm*/, int /*Rs*/)
+    NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); //Not required
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// branches relative to PC...
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void ArmToArm64Assembler::B(int /*cc*/, uint32_t* /*pc*/){
+    NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); //Not required
+void ArmToArm64Assembler::BL(int /*cc*/, uint32_t* /*pc*/){
+    NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); //Not required
+void ArmToArm64Assembler::BX(int /*cc*/, int /*Rn*/){
+    NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); //Not required
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// data transfer...
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+enum dataTransferOp
+    opLDR,opLDRB,opLDRH,opSTR,opSTRB,opSTRH
+void ArmToArm64Assembler::dataTransfer(int op, int cc,
+                            int Rd, int Rn, uint32_t op_type, uint32_t size)
+    const int XSP = 31;
+    if(Rn == SP)
+        Rn = XSP;
+    if(op_type == OPERAND_IMM)
+    {
+        int addrReg;
+        int imm = mAddrMode.immediate;
+        if(imm >= 0 && imm < (1<<12))
+            *mPC++ = A64_ADD_IMM_X(mTmpReg1, mZeroReg, imm, 0);
+        else if(imm < 0 && -imm < (1<<12))
+            *mPC++ = A64_SUB_IMM_X(mTmpReg1, mZeroReg, -imm, 0);
+        else
+        {
+            NOT_IMPLEMENTED();
+            return;
+        }
+        addrReg = Rn;
+        if(mAddrMode.preindex == true || mAddrMode.postindex == true)
+        {
+            *mPC++ = A64_ADD_X(mTmpReg2, addrReg, mTmpReg1);
+            if(mAddrMode.preindex == true)
+                addrReg = mTmpReg2;
+        }
+        if(cc != AL)
+            *mPC++ = A64_B_COND(cc^1, 8);
+        *mPC++ = A64_LDRSTR_Wm_SXTW_0(op, size, Rd, addrReg, mZeroReg);
+        if(mAddrMode.writeback == true)
+            *mPC++ = A64_CSEL_X(Rn, mTmpReg2, Rn, cc);
+    }
+    else if(op_type == OPERAND_REG_OFFSET)
+    {
+        if(cc != AL)
+            *mPC++ = A64_B_COND(cc^1, 8);
+        *mPC++ = A64_LDRSTR_Wm_SXTW_0(op, size, Rd, Rn, mAddrMode.reg_offset);
+    }
+    else if(op_type > OPERAND_UNSUPPORTED)
+    {
+        if(cc != AL)
+            *mPC++ = A64_B_COND(cc^1, 8);
+        *mPC++ = A64_LDRSTR_Wm_SXTW_0(op, size, Rd, Rn, mZeroReg);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); // Not required
+    }
+    return;
+void ArmToArm64Assembler::ADDR_LDR(int cc, int Rd, int Rn, uint32_t op_type)
+    return dataTransfer(opLDR, cc, Rd, Rn, op_type, 64);
+void ArmToArm64Assembler::ADDR_STR(int cc, int Rd, int Rn, uint32_t op_type)
+    return dataTransfer(opSTR, cc, Rd, Rn, op_type, 64);
+void ArmToArm64Assembler::LDR(int cc, int Rd, int Rn, uint32_t op_type)
+    return dataTransfer(opLDR, cc, Rd, Rn, op_type);
+void ArmToArm64Assembler::LDRB(int cc, int Rd, int Rn, uint32_t op_type)
+    return dataTransfer(opLDRB, cc, Rd, Rn, op_type);
+void ArmToArm64Assembler::STR(int cc, int Rd, int Rn, uint32_t op_type)
+    return dataTransfer(opSTR, cc, Rd, Rn, op_type);
+void ArmToArm64Assembler::STRB(int cc, int Rd, int Rn, uint32_t op_type)
+    return dataTransfer(opSTRB, cc, Rd, Rn, op_type);
+void ArmToArm64Assembler::LDRH(int cc, int Rd, int Rn, uint32_t op_type)
+    return dataTransfer(opLDRH, cc, Rd, Rn, op_type);
+void ArmToArm64Assembler::LDRSB(int /*cc*/, int /*Rd*/, int /*Rn*/, uint32_t /*offset*/)
+    NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); //Not required
+void ArmToArm64Assembler::LDRSH(int /*cc*/, int /*Rd*/, int /*Rn*/, uint32_t /*offset*/)
+    NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); //Not required
+void ArmToArm64Assembler::STRH(int cc, int Rd, int Rn, uint32_t op_type)
+    return dataTransfer(opSTRH, cc, Rd, Rn, op_type);
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// block data transfer...
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void ArmToArm64Assembler::LDM(int cc, int dir,
+        int Rn, int W, uint32_t reg_list)
+    const int XSP = 31;
+    if(cc != AL || dir != IA || W == 0 || Rn != SP)
+    {
+        return;
+    }
+    for(int i = 0; i < 32; ++i)
+    {
+        if((reg_list & (1 << i)))
+        {
+            int reg = i;
+            int size = 16;
+            *mPC++ = A64_LDR_IMM_PostIndex(reg, XSP, size);
+        }
+    }
+void ArmToArm64Assembler::STM(int cc, int dir,
+        int Rn, int W, uint32_t reg_list)
+    const int XSP = 31;
+    if(cc != AL || dir != DB || W == 0 || Rn != SP)
+    {
+        return;
+    }
+    for(int i = 31; i >= 0; --i)
+    {
+        if((reg_list & (1 << i)))
+        {
+            int size = -16;
+            int reg  = i;
+            *mPC++ = A64_STR_IMM_PreIndex(reg, XSP, size);
+        }
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// special...
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void ArmToArm64Assembler::SWP(int /*cc*/, int /*Rn*/, int /*Rd*/, int /*Rm*/)
+    NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); //Not required
+void ArmToArm64Assembler::SWPB(int /*cc*/, int /*Rn*/, int /*Rd*/, int /*Rm*/)
+    NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); //Not required
+void ArmToArm64Assembler::SWI(int /*cc*/, uint32_t /*comment*/)
+    NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); //Not required
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// DSP instructions...
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void ArmToArm64Assembler::PLD(int /*Rn*/, uint32_t /*offset*/) {
+    NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); //Not required
+void ArmToArm64Assembler::CLZ(int /*cc*/, int /*Rd*/, int /*Rm*/)
+    NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); //Not required
+void ArmToArm64Assembler::QADD(int /*cc*/, int /*Rd*/, int /*Rm*/, int /*Rn*/)
+    NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); //Not required
+void ArmToArm64Assembler::QDADD(int /*cc*/, int /*Rd*/, int /*Rm*/, int /*Rn*/)
+    NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); //Not required
+void ArmToArm64Assembler::QSUB(int /*cc*/, int /*Rd*/, int /*Rm*/, int /*Rn*/)
+    NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); //Not required
+void ArmToArm64Assembler::QDSUB(int /*cc*/, int /*Rd*/, int /*Rm*/, int /*Rn*/)
+    NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); //Not required
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// 16 x 16 multiplication
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void ArmToArm64Assembler::SMUL(int cc, int xy,
+                int Rd, int Rm, int Rs)
+    if(cc != AL){ NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); return;} //Not required
+    if (xy & xyTB)
+        *mPC++ = A64_SBFM_W(mTmpReg1, Rm, 16, 31);
+    else
+        *mPC++ = A64_SBFM_W(mTmpReg1, Rm, 0, 15);
+    if (xy & xyBT)
+        *mPC++ = A64_SBFM_W(mTmpReg2, Rs, 16, 31);
+    else
+        *mPC++ = A64_SBFM_W(mTmpReg2, Rs, 0, 15);
+    *mPC++ = A64_MADD_W(Rd,mTmpReg1,mTmpReg2, mZeroReg);
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// 32 x 16 multiplication
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void ArmToArm64Assembler::SMULW(int cc, int y, int Rd, int Rm, int Rs)
+    if(cc != AL){ NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); return;} //Not required
+    if (y & yT)
+        *mPC++ = A64_SBFM_W(mTmpReg1, Rs, 16, 31);
+    else
+        *mPC++ = A64_SBFM_W(mTmpReg1, Rs, 0, 15);
+    *mPC++ = A64_SBFM_W(mTmpReg2, Rm, 0, 31);
+    *mPC++ = A64_SMADDL(mTmpReg3,mTmpReg1,mTmpReg2, mZeroReg);
+    *mPC++ = A64_UBFM_X(Rd,mTmpReg3, 16, 47);
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// 16 x 16 multiplication and accumulate
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void ArmToArm64Assembler::SMLA(int cc, int xy, int Rd, int Rm, int Rs, int Rn)
+    if(cc != AL){ NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); return;} //Not required
+    if(xy != xyBB) { NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); return;} //Not required
+    *mPC++ = A64_SBFM_W(mTmpReg1, Rm, 0, 15);
+    *mPC++ = A64_SBFM_W(mTmpReg2, Rs, 0, 15);
+    *mPC++ = A64_MADD_W(Rd, mTmpReg1, mTmpReg2, Rn);
+void ArmToArm64Assembler::SMLAL(int /*cc*/, int /*xy*/,
+                int /*RdHi*/, int /*RdLo*/, int /*Rs*/, int /*Rm*/)
+    NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); //Not required
+    return;
+void ArmToArm64Assembler::SMLAW(int /*cc*/, int /*y*/,
+                int /*Rd*/, int /*Rm*/, int /*Rs*/, int /*Rn*/)
+    NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); //Not required
+    return;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Byte/half word extract and extend
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void ArmToArm64Assembler::UXTB16(int cc, int Rd, int Rm, int rotate)
+    if(cc != AL){ NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); return;} //Not required
+    *mPC++ = A64_EXTR_W(mTmpReg1, Rm, Rm, rotate * 8);
+    uint32_t imm = 0x00FF00FF;
+    *mPC++ = A64_MOVZ_W(mTmpReg2, imm & 0xFFFF, 0);
+    *mPC++ = A64_MOVK_W(mTmpReg2, (imm >> 16) & 0x0000FFFF, 16);
+    *mPC++ = A64_AND_W(Rd,mTmpReg1, mTmpReg2);
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Bit manipulation
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void ArmToArm64Assembler::UBFX(int cc, int Rd, int Rn, int lsb, int width)
+    if(cc != AL){ NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); return;} //Not required
+    *mPC++ = A64_UBFM_W(Rd, Rn, lsb, lsb + width - 1);
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Shifters...
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+int ArmToArm64Assembler::buildImmediate(
+        uint32_t immediate, uint32_t& rot, uint32_t& imm)
+    rot = 0;
+    imm = immediate;
+    return 0; // Always true
+bool ArmToArm64Assembler::isValidImmediate(uint32_t immediate)
+    uint32_t rot, imm;
+    return buildImmediate(immediate, rot, imm) == 0;
+uint32_t ArmToArm64Assembler::imm(uint32_t immediate)
+    mAddrMode.immediate = immediate;
+    mAddrMode.writeback = false;
+    mAddrMode.preindex  = false;
+    mAddrMode.postindex = false;
+    return OPERAND_IMM;
+uint32_t ArmToArm64Assembler::reg_imm(int Rm, int type, uint32_t shift)
+    mAddrMode.reg_imm_Rm = Rm;
+    mAddrMode.reg_imm_type = type;
+    mAddrMode.reg_imm_shift = shift;
+    return OPERAND_REG_IMM;
+uint32_t ArmToArm64Assembler::reg_rrx(int /*Rm*/)
+uint32_t ArmToArm64Assembler::reg_reg(int /*Rm*/, int /*type*/, int /*Rs*/)
+    NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); //Not required
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Addressing modes...
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+uint32_t ArmToArm64Assembler::immed12_pre(int32_t immed12, int W)
+    mAddrMode.immediate = immed12;
+    mAddrMode.writeback = W;
+    mAddrMode.preindex  = true;
+    mAddrMode.postindex = false;
+    return OPERAND_IMM;
+uint32_t ArmToArm64Assembler::immed12_post(int32_t immed12)
+    mAddrMode.immediate = immed12;
+    mAddrMode.writeback = true;
+    mAddrMode.preindex  = false;
+    mAddrMode.postindex = true;
+    return OPERAND_IMM;
+uint32_t ArmToArm64Assembler::reg_scale_pre(int Rm, int type,
+        uint32_t shift, int W)
+    if(type != 0 || shift != 0 || W != 0)
+    {
+        NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); //Not required
+        return OPERAND_UNSUPPORTED;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        mAddrMode.reg_offset = Rm;
+        return OPERAND_REG_OFFSET;
+    }
+uint32_t ArmToArm64Assembler::reg_scale_post(int /*Rm*/, int /*type*/, uint32_t /*shift*/)
+    NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); //Not required
+uint32_t ArmToArm64Assembler::immed8_pre(int32_t immed8, int W)
+    mAddrMode.immediate = immed8;
+    mAddrMode.writeback = W;
+    mAddrMode.preindex  = true;
+    mAddrMode.postindex = false;
+    return OPERAND_IMM;
+uint32_t ArmToArm64Assembler::immed8_post(int32_t immed8)
+    mAddrMode.immediate = immed8;
+    mAddrMode.writeback = true;
+    mAddrMode.preindex  = false;
+    mAddrMode.postindex = true;
+    return OPERAND_IMM;
+uint32_t ArmToArm64Assembler::reg_pre(int Rm, int W)
+    if(W != 0)
+    {
+        NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); //Not required
+        return OPERAND_UNSUPPORTED;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        mAddrMode.reg_offset = Rm;
+        return OPERAND_REG_OFFSET;
+    }
+uint32_t ArmToArm64Assembler::reg_post(int /*Rm*/)
+    NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); //Not required
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// A64 instructions
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+static __unused const char * dataTransferOpName[] =
+    "LDR","LDRB","LDRH","STR","STRB","STRH"
+static const uint32_t dataTransferOpCode [] =
+    ((0xB8u << 24) | (0x3 << 21) | (0x6 << 13) | (0x0 << 12) |(0x1 << 11)),
+    ((0x38u << 24) | (0x3 << 21) | (0x6 << 13) | (0x1 << 12) |(0x1 << 11)),
+    ((0x78u << 24) | (0x3 << 21) | (0x6 << 13) | (0x0 << 12) |(0x1 << 11)),
+    ((0xB8u << 24) | (0x1 << 21) | (0x6 << 13) | (0x0 << 12) |(0x1 << 11)),
+    ((0x38u << 24) | (0x1 << 21) | (0x6 << 13) | (0x1 << 12) |(0x1 << 11)),
+    ((0x78u << 24) | (0x1 << 21) | (0x6 << 13) | (0x0 << 12) |(0x1 << 11))
+uint32_t ArmToArm64Assembler::A64_LDRSTR_Wm_SXTW_0(uint32_t op,
+                            uint32_t size, uint32_t Rt,
+                            uint32_t Rn, uint32_t Rm)
+    if(size == 32)
+    {
+        LOG_INSTR("%s W%d, [X%d, W%d, SXTW #0]\n",
+                   dataTransferOpName[op], Rt, Rn, Rm);
+        return(dataTransferOpCode[op] | (Rm << 16) | (Rn << 5) | Rt);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        LOG_INSTR("%s X%d, [X%d, W%d, SXTW #0]\n",
+                  dataTransferOpName[op], Rt, Rn, Rm);
+        return(dataTransferOpCode[op] | (0x1<<30) | (Rm<<16) | (Rn<<5)|Rt);
+    }
+uint32_t ArmToArm64Assembler::A64_STR_IMM_PreIndex(uint32_t Rt,
+                            uint32_t Rn, int32_t simm)
+    if(Rn == 31)
+        LOG_INSTR("STR W%d, [SP, #%d]!\n", Rt, simm);
+    else
+        LOG_INSTR("STR W%d, [X%d, #%d]!\n", Rt, Rn, simm);
+    uint32_t imm9 = (unsigned)(simm) & 0x01FF;
+    return (0xB8 << 24) | (imm9 << 12) | (0x3 << 10) | (Rn << 5) | Rt;
+uint32_t ArmToArm64Assembler::A64_LDR_IMM_PostIndex(uint32_t Rt,
+                            uint32_t Rn, int32_t simm)
+    if(Rn == 31)
+        LOG_INSTR("LDR W%d, [SP], #%d\n",Rt,simm);
+    else
+        LOG_INSTR("LDR W%d, [X%d], #%d\n",Rt, Rn, simm);
+    uint32_t imm9 = (unsigned)(simm) & 0x01FF;
+    return (0xB8 << 24) | (0x1 << 22) |
+             (imm9 << 12) | (0x1 << 10) | (Rn << 5) | Rt;
+uint32_t ArmToArm64Assembler::A64_ADD_X_Wm_SXTW(uint32_t Rd,
+                               uint32_t Rn,
+                               uint32_t Rm,
+                               uint32_t amount)
+    LOG_INSTR("ADD X%d, X%d, W%d, SXTW #%d\n", Rd, Rn, Rm, amount);
+    return ((0x8B << 24) | (0x1 << 21) |(Rm << 16) |
+              (0x6 << 13) | (amount << 10) | (Rn << 5) | Rd);
+uint32_t ArmToArm64Assembler::A64_SUB_X_Wm_SXTW(uint32_t Rd,
+                               uint32_t Rn,
+                               uint32_t Rm,
+                               uint32_t amount)
+    LOG_INSTR("SUB X%d, X%d, W%d, SXTW #%d\n", Rd, Rn, Rm, amount);
+    return ((0xCB << 24) | (0x1 << 21) |(Rm << 16) |
+            (0x6 << 13) | (amount << 10) | (Rn << 5) | Rd);
+uint32_t ArmToArm64Assembler::A64_B_COND(uint32_t cc, uint32_t offset)
+    LOG_INSTR("B.%s #.+%d\n", cc_codes[cc], offset);
+    return (0x54 << 24) | ((offset/4) << 5) | (cc);
+uint32_t ArmToArm64Assembler::A64_ADD_X(uint32_t Rd, uint32_t Rn,
+                                          uint32_t Rm, uint32_t shift,
+                                          uint32_t amount)
+    LOG_INSTR("ADD X%d, X%d, X%d, %s #%d\n",
+               Rd, Rn, Rm, shift_codes[shift], amount);
+    return ((0x8B << 24) | (shift << 22) | ( Rm << 16) |
+            (amount << 10) |(Rn << 5) | Rd);
+uint32_t ArmToArm64Assembler::A64_ADD_IMM_X(uint32_t Rd, uint32_t Rn,
+                                          uint32_t imm, uint32_t shift)
+    LOG_INSTR("ADD X%d, X%d, #%d, LSL #%d\n", Rd, Rn, imm, shift);
+    return (0x91 << 24) | ((shift/12) << 22) | (imm << 10) | (Rn << 5) | Rd;
+uint32_t ArmToArm64Assembler::A64_SUB_IMM_X(uint32_t Rd, uint32_t Rn,
+                                          uint32_t imm, uint32_t shift)
+    LOG_INSTR("SUB X%d, X%d, #%d, LSL #%d\n", Rd, Rn, imm, shift);
+    return (0xD1 << 24) | ((shift/12) << 22) | (imm << 10) | (Rn << 5) | Rd;
+uint32_t ArmToArm64Assembler::A64_ADD_W(uint32_t Rd, uint32_t Rn,
+                                          uint32_t Rm, uint32_t shift,
+                                          uint32_t amount)
+    LOG_INSTR("ADD W%d, W%d, W%d, %s #%d\n",
+               Rd, Rn, Rm, shift_codes[shift], amount);
+    return ((0x0B << 24) | (shift << 22) | ( Rm << 16) |
+            (amount << 10) |(Rn << 5) | Rd);
+uint32_t ArmToArm64Assembler::A64_SUB_W(uint32_t Rd, uint32_t Rn,
+                                          uint32_t Rm, uint32_t shift,
+                                          uint32_t amount,
+                                          uint32_t setflag)
+    if(setflag == 0)
+    {
+        LOG_INSTR("SUB W%d, W%d, W%d, %s #%d\n",
+               Rd, Rn, Rm, shift_codes[shift], amount);
+        return ((0x4B << 24) | (shift << 22) | ( Rm << 16) |
+                (amount << 10) |(Rn << 5) | Rd);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        LOG_INSTR("SUBS W%d, W%d, W%d, %s #%d\n",
+                   Rd, Rn, Rm, shift_codes[shift], amount);
+        return ((0x6B << 24) | (shift << 22) | ( Rm << 16) |
+                (amount << 10) |(Rn << 5) | Rd);
+    }
+uint32_t ArmToArm64Assembler::A64_AND_W(uint32_t Rd, uint32_t Rn,
+                                          uint32_t Rm, uint32_t shift,
+                                          uint32_t amount)
+    LOG_INSTR("AND W%d, W%d, W%d, %s #%d\n",
+               Rd, Rn, Rm, shift_codes[shift], amount);
+    return ((0x0A << 24) | (shift << 22) | ( Rm << 16) |
+            (amount << 10) |(Rn << 5) | Rd);
+uint32_t ArmToArm64Assembler::A64_ORR_W(uint32_t Rd, uint32_t Rn,
+                                          uint32_t Rm, uint32_t shift,
+                                          uint32_t amount)
+    LOG_INSTR("ORR W%d, W%d, W%d, %s #%d\n",
+               Rd, Rn, Rm, shift_codes[shift], amount);
+    return ((0x2A << 24) | (shift << 22) | ( Rm << 16) |
+            (amount << 10) |(Rn << 5) | Rd);
+uint32_t ArmToArm64Assembler::A64_ORN_W(uint32_t Rd, uint32_t Rn,
+                                          uint32_t Rm, uint32_t shift,
+                                          uint32_t amount)
+    LOG_INSTR("ORN W%d, W%d, W%d, %s #%d\n",
+               Rd, Rn, Rm, shift_codes[shift], amount);
+    return ((0x2A << 24) | (shift << 22) | (0x1 << 21) | ( Rm << 16) |
+            (amount << 10) |(Rn << 5) | Rd);
+uint32_t ArmToArm64Assembler::A64_CSEL_X(uint32_t Rd, uint32_t Rn,
+                                           uint32_t Rm, uint32_t cond)
+    LOG_INSTR("CSEL X%d, X%d, X%d, %s\n", Rd, Rn, Rm, cc_codes[cond]);
+    return ((0x9A << 24)|(0x1 << 23)|(Rm << 16) |(cond << 12)| (Rn << 5) | Rd);
+uint32_t ArmToArm64Assembler::A64_CSEL_W(uint32_t Rd, uint32_t Rn,
+                                           uint32_t Rm, uint32_t cond)
+    LOG_INSTR("CSEL W%d, W%d, W%d, %s\n", Rd, Rn, Rm, cc_codes[cond]);
+    return ((0x1A << 24)|(0x1 << 23)|(Rm << 16) |(cond << 12)| (Rn << 5) | Rd);
+uint32_t ArmToArm64Assembler::A64_RET(uint32_t Rn)
+    LOG_INSTR("RET X%d\n", Rn);
+    return ((0xD6 << 24) | (0x1 << 22) | (0x1F << 16) | (Rn << 5));
+uint32_t ArmToArm64Assembler::A64_MOVZ_X(uint32_t Rd, uint32_t imm,
+                                         uint32_t shift)
+    LOG_INSTR("MOVZ X%d, #0x%x, LSL #%d\n", Rd, imm, shift);
+    return(0xD2 << 24) | (0x1 << 23) | ((shift/16) << 21) |  (imm << 5) | Rd;
+uint32_t ArmToArm64Assembler::A64_MOVK_W(uint32_t Rd, uint32_t imm,
+                                         uint32_t shift)
+    LOG_INSTR("MOVK W%d, #0x%x, LSL #%d\n", Rd, imm, shift);
+    return (0x72 << 24) | (0x1 << 23) | ((shift/16) << 21) | (imm << 5) | Rd;
+uint32_t ArmToArm64Assembler::A64_MOVZ_W(uint32_t Rd, uint32_t imm,
+                                         uint32_t shift)
+    LOG_INSTR("MOVZ W%d, #0x%x, LSL #%d\n", Rd, imm, shift);
+    return(0x52 << 24) | (0x1 << 23) | ((shift/16) << 21) |  (imm << 5) | Rd;
+uint32_t ArmToArm64Assembler::A64_SMADDL(uint32_t Rd, uint32_t Rn,
+                                           uint32_t Rm, uint32_t Ra)
+    LOG_INSTR("SMADDL X%d, W%d, W%d, X%d\n",Rd, Rn, Rm, Ra);
+    return ((0x9B << 24) | (0x1 << 21) | (Rm << 16)|(Ra << 10)|(Rn << 5) | Rd);
+uint32_t ArmToArm64Assembler::A64_MADD_W(uint32_t Rd, uint32_t Rn,
+                                           uint32_t Rm, uint32_t Ra)
+    LOG_INSTR("MADD W%d, W%d, W%d, W%d\n",Rd, Rn, Rm, Ra);
+    return ((0x1B << 24) | (Rm << 16) | (Ra << 10) |(Rn << 5) | Rd);
+uint32_t ArmToArm64Assembler::A64_SBFM_W(uint32_t Rd, uint32_t Rn,
+                                           uint32_t immr, uint32_t imms)
+    LOG_INSTR("SBFM W%d, W%d, #%d, #%d\n", Rd, Rn, immr, imms);
+    return ((0x13 << 24) | (immr << 16) | (imms << 10) | (Rn << 5) | Rd);
+uint32_t ArmToArm64Assembler::A64_UBFM_W(uint32_t Rd, uint32_t Rn,
+                                           uint32_t immr, uint32_t imms)
+    LOG_INSTR("UBFM W%d, W%d, #%d, #%d\n", Rd, Rn, immr, imms);
+    return ((0x53 << 24) | (immr << 16) | (imms << 10) | (Rn << 5) | Rd);
+uint32_t ArmToArm64Assembler::A64_UBFM_X(uint32_t Rd, uint32_t Rn,
+                                           uint32_t immr, uint32_t imms)
+    LOG_INSTR("UBFM X%d, X%d, #%d, #%d\n", Rd, Rn, immr, imms);
+    return ((0xD3 << 24) | (0x1 << 22) |
+            (immr << 16) | (imms << 10) | (Rn << 5) | Rd);
+uint32_t ArmToArm64Assembler::A64_EXTR_W(uint32_t Rd, uint32_t Rn,
+                                           uint32_t Rm, uint32_t lsb)
+    LOG_INSTR("EXTR W%d, W%d, W%d, #%d\n", Rd, Rn, Rm, lsb);
+    return (0x13 << 24)|(0x1 << 23) | (Rm << 16) | (lsb << 10)|(Rn << 5) | Rd;
+}; // namespace android