wait for cryptfs device node to come up

this is to prevent a race condition to occur when mounting an adopted
storage volume just after it was decrypted. After setting up the
decrypted volume using cryptfs_setup_ext_volume(), Decrypt_Adopted()
immediately calls Mount(), which will call Check_FS_Type(), which will
fail in blkid_new_probe_from_filename, as the device node was not
created yet.

Change-Id: Ic5a274c2066ab278c9b7f1c8b83b820e552ca344
2 files changed
tree: 74fec3c471875c0d45397f77a65d4b12b30ef277
  1. adbbu/
  2. applypatch/
  3. bmlutils/
  4. crypto/
  5. digest/
  6. dosfstools/
  7. edify/
  8. etc/
  9. exfat/
  10. fb2png/
  11. flashutils/
  12. fonts/
  13. fuse/
  14. gpt/
  15. gui/
  16. htcdumlock/
  17. injecttwrp/
  18. libblkid/
  19. libcrecovery/
  20. libmincrypt/
  21. libpixelflinger/
  22. libtar/
  23. minadbd/
  24. minadbd.old/
  25. minui/
  26. minui.old/
  27. minuitwrp/
  28. minzip/
  29. mmcutils/
  30. mtdutils/
  31. mtp/
  32. openaes/
  33. orscmd/
  34. pigz/
  35. prebuilt/
  36. res/
  37. res-hdpi/
  38. res-mdpi/
  39. res-xhdpi/
  40. res-xxhdpi/
  41. res-xxxhdpi/
  42. scripts/
  43. sepolicy/
  44. simg2img/
  45. testdata/
  46. tests/
  47. toolbox/
  48. tools/
  49. toybox/
  50. twrpTarMain/
  51. uncrypt/
  52. updater/
  53. .gitignore
  54. adb_install.cpp
  55. adb_install.h
  56. Android.mk
  57. asn1_decoder.cpp
  58. asn1_decoder.h
  59. bootloader.cpp
  60. bootloader.h
  61. CleanSpec.mk
  62. common.h
  63. data.cpp
  64. data.hpp
  65. default_device.cpp
  66. device.cpp
  67. device.h
  68. find_file.cpp
  69. find_file.hpp
  70. fixContexts.cpp
  71. fixContexts.hpp
  72. fuse.h
  73. fuse_sdcard_provider.c
  74. fuse_sdcard_provider.h
  75. fuse_sideload.c
  76. fuse_sideload.h
  77. infomanager.cpp
  78. infomanager.hpp
  79. install.cpp
  80. install.h
  81. interlace-frames.py
  82. legacy_properties.h
  83. legacy_property_service.c
  84. legacy_property_service.h
  85. mounts.c
  86. mounts.h
  87. NOTICE
  88. openrecoveryscript.cpp
  89. openrecoveryscript.hpp
  90. partition.cpp
  91. partitionmanager.cpp
  92. partitions.hpp
  93. progresstracking.cpp
  94. progresstracking.hpp
  95. README.md
  96. recovery.cpp
  97. recovery_ui.h
  98. roots.cpp
  99. roots.h
  100. screen_ui.cpp
  101. screen_ui.h
  102. set_metadata.c
  103. set_metadata.h
  104. tarWrite.c
  105. tarWrite.h
  106. tw_atomic.cpp
  107. tw_atomic.hpp
  108. twcommon.h
  109. twinstall.cpp
  110. twinstall.h
  111. twrp-functions.cpp
  112. twrp-functions.hpp
  113. twrp.cpp
  114. twrpDigest.cpp
  115. twrpDigest.hpp
  116. twrpDU.cpp
  117. twrpDU.hpp
  118. twrpTar.cpp
  119. twrpTar.h
  120. twrpTar.hpp
  121. ui.cpp
  122. ui.h
  123. variables.h
  124. verifier.cpp
  125. verifier.h
  126. verifier_test.cpp
  127. verifier_test.sh

Team Win Recovery Project (TWRP)

You can find a compiling guide here.