Add Updater class and remove UpdaterInfo

The UpdaterInfo class is merely a collection of pointers and POD types.
We can replace it with a Updater class that has the ownership of the
resources. This also makes this class extensible as we plan to add more
functionality in the host simulator.

Bug: 131911365
Test: unit tests pass, run an update on cuttlefish and check last_install
Change-Id: I07ca5963bbee8ae3cb85ccc184464910aa73d4e4
diff --git a/tests/unit/updater_test.cpp b/tests/unit/updater_test.cpp
index a0a7b66..4a8d1e6 100644
--- a/tests/unit/updater_test.cpp
+++ b/tests/unit/updater_test.cpp
@@ -57,16 +57,14 @@
 using PackageEntries = std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>;
-struct selabel_handle* sehandle = nullptr;
 static void expect(const char* expected, const std::string& expr_str, CauseCode cause_code,
-                   UpdaterInfo* info = nullptr) {
+                   Updater* updater = nullptr) {
   std::unique_ptr<Expr> e;
   int error_count = 0;
   ASSERT_EQ(0, ParseString(expr_str, &e, &error_count));
   ASSERT_EQ(0, error_count);
-  State state(expr_str, info);
+  State state(expr_str, updater);
   std::string result;
   bool status = Evaluate(&state, e, &result);
@@ -102,38 +100,6 @@
   ASSERT_EQ(0, fclose(zip_file_ptr));
-static void RunBlockImageUpdate(bool is_verify, const PackageEntries& entries,
-                                const std::string& image_file, const std::string& result,
-                                CauseCode cause_code = kNoCause) {
-  CHECK(entries.find("transfer_list") != entries.end());
-  // Build the update package.
-  TemporaryFile zip_file;
-  BuildUpdatePackage(entries, zip_file.release());
-  MemMapping map;
-  ASSERT_TRUE(map.MapFile(zip_file.path));
-  ZipArchiveHandle handle;
-  ASSERT_EQ(0, OpenArchiveFromMemory(map.addr, map.length, zip_file.path, &handle));
-  // Set up the handler, command_pipe, patch offset & length.
-  UpdaterInfo updater_info;
-  updater_info.package_zip = handle;
-  TemporaryFile temp_pipe;
-  updater_info.cmd_pipe = fdopen(temp_pipe.release(), "wbe");
-  updater_info.package_zip_addr = map.addr;
-  updater_info.package_zip_len = map.length;
-  std::string new_data = entries.find("") != entries.end() ? "" : "new_data";
-  std::string script = is_verify ? "block_image_verify" : "block_image_update";
-  script += R"((")" + image_file + R"(", package_extract_file("transfer_list"), ")" + new_data +
-            R"(", "patch_data"))";
-  expect(result.c_str(), script, cause_code, &updater_info);
-  ASSERT_EQ(0, fclose(updater_info.cmd_pipe));
-  CloseArchive(handle);
 static std::string GetSha1(std::string_view content) {
   uint8_t digest[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH];
   SHA1(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, content.size(), digest);
@@ -159,29 +125,24 @@
   return args[0].release();
-class UpdaterTest : public ::testing::Test {
+class UpdaterTestBase {
-  void SetUp() override {
+  void SetUp() {
-    RegisterFunction("blob_to_string", BlobToString);
     // Each test is run in a separate process (isolated mode). Shared temporary files won't cause
     // conflicts.
-    // Enable a special command "abort" to simulate interruption.
-    Command::abort_allowed_ = true;
     last_command_file_ = temp_last_command_.path;
     image_file_ = image_temp_file_.path;
-  void TearDown() override {
+  void TearDown() {
     // Clean up the last_command_file if any.
@@ -191,16 +152,80 @@
+  void RunBlockImageUpdate(bool is_verify, PackageEntries entries, const std::string& image_file,
+                           const std::string& result, CauseCode cause_code = kNoCause) {
+    CHECK(entries.find("transfer_list") != entries.end());
+    std::string new_data =
+        entries.find("") != entries.end() ? "" : "new_data";
+    std::string script = is_verify ? "block_image_verify" : "block_image_update";
+    script += R"((")" + image_file + R"(", package_extract_file("transfer_list"), ")" + new_data +
+              R"(", "patch_data"))";
+    entries.emplace(Updater::SCRIPT_NAME, script);
+    // Build the update package.
+    TemporaryFile zip_file;
+    BuildUpdatePackage(entries, zip_file.release());
+    // Set up the handler, command_pipe, patch offset & length.
+    TemporaryFile temp_pipe;
+    ASSERT_TRUE(updater_.Init(temp_pipe.release(), zip_file.path, false, nullptr));
+    ASSERT_TRUE(updater_.RunUpdate());
+    ASSERT_EQ(result, updater_.result());
+    // Parse the cause code written to the command pipe.
+    int received_cause_code = kNoCause;
+    std::string pipe_content;
+    ASSERT_TRUE(android::base::ReadFileToString(temp_pipe.path, &pipe_content));
+    auto lines = android::base::Split(pipe_content, "\n");
+    for (std::string_view line : lines) {
+      if (android::base::ConsumePrefix(&line, "log cause: ")) {
+        ASSERT_TRUE(android::base::ParseInt(, &received_cause_code));
+      }
+    }
+    ASSERT_EQ(cause_code, received_cause_code);
+  }
   TemporaryFile temp_saved_source_;
   TemporaryDir temp_stash_base_;
   std::string last_command_file_;
   std::string image_file_;
+  Updater updater_;
   TemporaryFile temp_last_command_;
   TemporaryFile image_temp_file_;
+class UpdaterTest : public UpdaterTestBase, public ::testing::Test {
+ protected:
+  void SetUp() override {
+    UpdaterTestBase::SetUp();
+    RegisterFunction("blob_to_string", BlobToString);
+    // Enable a special command "abort" to simulate interruption.
+    Command::abort_allowed_ = true;
+  }
+  void TearDown() override {
+    UpdaterTestBase::TearDown();
+  }
+  void SetUpdaterCmdPipe(int fd) {
+    FILE* cmd_pipe = fdopen(fd, "w");
+    ASSERT_NE(nullptr, cmd_pipe);
+    updater_.cmd_pipe_.reset(cmd_pipe);
+  }
+  void SetUpdaterOtaPackageHandle(ZipArchiveHandle handle) {
+    updater_.package_handle_ = handle;
+  }
+  void FlushUpdaterCommandPipe() const {
+    fflush(updater_.cmd_pipe_.get());
+  }
 TEST_F(UpdaterTest, getprop) {
     expect(android::base::GetProperty("ro.product.device", "").c_str(),
@@ -317,13 +342,12 @@
   ASSERT_EQ(0, OpenArchive(zip_path.c_str(), &handle));
   // Need to set up the ziphandle.
-  UpdaterInfo updater_info;
-  updater_info.package_zip = handle;
+  SetUpdaterOtaPackageHandle(handle);
   // Two-argument version.
   TemporaryFile temp_file1;
   std::string script("package_extract_file(\"a.txt\", \"" + std::string(temp_file1.path) + "\")");
-  expect("t", script, kNoCause, &updater_info);
+  expect("t", script, kNoCause, &updater_);
   // Verify the extracted entry.
   std::string data;
@@ -332,32 +356,30 @@
   // Now extract another entry to the same location, which should overwrite.
   script = "package_extract_file(\"b.txt\", \"" + std::string(temp_file1.path) + "\")";
-  expect("t", script, kNoCause, &updater_info);
+  expect("t", script, kNoCause, &updater_);
   ASSERT_TRUE(android::base::ReadFileToString(temp_file1.path, &data));
   ASSERT_EQ(kBTxtContents, data);
   // Missing zip entry. The two-argument version doesn't abort.
   script = "package_extract_file(\"doesntexist\", \"" + std::string(temp_file1.path) + "\")";
-  expect("", script, kNoCause, &updater_info);
+  expect("", script, kNoCause, &updater_);
   // Extract to /dev/full should fail.
   script = "package_extract_file(\"a.txt\", \"/dev/full\")";
-  expect("", script, kNoCause, &updater_info);
+  expect("", script, kNoCause, &updater_);
   // One-argument version. package_extract_file() gives a VAL_BLOB, which needs to be converted to
   // VAL_STRING for equality test.
   script = "blob_to_string(package_extract_file(\"a.txt\")) == \"" + kATxtContents + "\"";
-  expect("t", script, kNoCause, &updater_info);
+  expect("t", script, kNoCause, &updater_);
   script = "blob_to_string(package_extract_file(\"b.txt\")) == \"" + kBTxtContents + "\"";
-  expect("t", script, kNoCause, &updater_info);
+  expect("t", script, kNoCause, &updater_);
   // Missing entry. The one-argument version aborts the evaluation.
   script = "package_extract_file(\"doesntexist\")";
-  expect(nullptr, script, kPackageExtractFileFailure, &updater_info);
-  CloseArchive(handle);
+  expect(nullptr, script, kPackageExtractFileFailure, &updater_);
 TEST_F(UpdaterTest, read_file) {
@@ -563,17 +585,15 @@
   expect(nullptr, "set_progress(\".3.5\")", kArgsParsingFailure);
   TemporaryFile tf;
-  UpdaterInfo updater_info;
-  updater_info.cmd_pipe = fdopen(tf.release(), "w");
-  expect(".52", "set_progress(\".52\")", kNoCause, &updater_info);
-  fflush(updater_info.cmd_pipe);
+  SetUpdaterCmdPipe(tf.release());
+  expect(".52", "set_progress(\".52\")", kNoCause, &updater_);
+  FlushUpdaterCommandPipe();
   std::string cmd;
   ASSERT_TRUE(android::base::ReadFileToString(tf.path, &cmd));
   ASSERT_EQ(android::base::StringPrintf("set_progress %f\n", .52), cmd);
   // recovery-updater protocol expects 2 tokens ("set_progress <frac>").
   ASSERT_EQ(2U, android::base::Split(cmd, " ").size());
-  ASSERT_EQ(0, fclose(updater_info.cmd_pipe));
 TEST_F(UpdaterTest, show_progress) {
@@ -588,17 +608,15 @@
   expect(nullptr, "show_progress(\".3\", \"5a\")", kArgsParsingFailure);
   TemporaryFile tf;
-  UpdaterInfo updater_info;
-  updater_info.cmd_pipe = fdopen(tf.release(), "w");
-  expect(".52", "show_progress(\".52\", \"10\")", kNoCause, &updater_info);
-  fflush(updater_info.cmd_pipe);
+  SetUpdaterCmdPipe(tf.release());
+  expect(".52", "show_progress(\".52\", \"10\")", kNoCause, &updater_);
+  FlushUpdaterCommandPipe();
   std::string cmd;
   ASSERT_TRUE(android::base::ReadFileToString(tf.path, &cmd));
   ASSERT_EQ(android::base::StringPrintf("progress %f %d\n", .52, 10), cmd);
   // recovery-updater protocol expects 3 tokens ("progress <frac> <secs>").
   ASSERT_EQ(3U, android::base::Split(cmd, " ").size());
-  ASSERT_EQ(0, fclose(updater_info.cmd_pipe));
 TEST_F(UpdaterTest, block_image_update_parsing_error) {
@@ -993,44 +1011,20 @@
   ASSERT_EQ(-1, access(last_command_file_.c_str(), R_OK));
-class ResumableUpdaterTest : public testing::TestWithParam<size_t> {
+class ResumableUpdaterTest : public UpdaterTestBase, public testing::TestWithParam<size_t> {
   void SetUp() override {
-    RegisterBuiltins();
-    RegisterInstallFunctions();
-    RegisterBlockImageFunctions();
-    Paths::Get().set_cache_temp_source(temp_saved_source_.path);
-    Paths::Get().set_last_command_file(temp_last_command_.path);
-    Paths::Get().set_stash_directory_base(temp_stash_base_.path);
+    UpdaterTestBase::SetUp();
     // Enable a special command "abort" to simulate interruption.
     Command::abort_allowed_ = true;
     index_ = GetParam();
-    image_file_ = image_temp_file_.path;
-    last_command_file_ = temp_last_command_.path;
   void TearDown() override {
-    // Clean up the last_command_file if any.
-    ASSERT_TRUE(android::base::RemoveFileIfExists(last_command_file_));
-    // Clear partition updated marker if any.
-    std::string updated_marker{ temp_stash_base_.path };
-    updated_marker += "/" + GetSha1(image_temp_file_.path) + ".UPDATED";
-    ASSERT_TRUE(android::base::RemoveFileIfExists(updated_marker));
+    UpdaterTestBase::TearDown();
-  TemporaryFile temp_saved_source_;
-  TemporaryDir temp_stash_base_;
-  std::string last_command_file_;
-  std::string image_file_;
   size_t index_;
- private:
-  TemporaryFile temp_last_command_;
-  TemporaryFile image_temp_file_;
 static std::string g_source_image;