install: ignore build dates for A/B installs

* Assume a user knows what they are flashing and skip the check
  of whether or not the build they are flashing is older than the
  TWRP image they are using (which really isn't at all relevant
  to the ROM's build date anyway).

Change-Id: I74ca5a6dc604268bf38f85ec1861f3eaafd9bf06
2 files changed
tree: 70e09dc70ecc941a9129a78dbfd0e4ec99c50d72
  1. adbbu/
  2. applypatch/
  3. attr/
  4. bmlutils/
  5. boot_control/
  6. bootloader_message/
  7. bootloader_message_twrp/
  8. crypto/
  9. dosfstools/
  10. edify/
  11. etc/
  12. exfat/
  13. fb2png/
  14. flashutils/
  15. fonts/
  16. fuse/
  17. gpt/
  18. gui/
  19. htcdumlock/
  20. injecttwrp/
  21. libblkid/
  22. libcrecovery/
  23. libmincrypt/
  24. libpixelflinger/
  25. libtar/
  26. minadbd/
  27. minadbd21/
  28. minui/
  29. minui21/
  30. minuitwrp/
  31. minzip/
  32. mmcutils/
  33. mtdutils/
  34. mtp/
  35. openaes/
  36. orscmd/
  37. otafault/
  38. otautil/
  39. pigz/
  40. prebuilt/
  41. private/
  42. res/
  43. res-hdpi/
  44. res-mdpi/
  45. res-xhdpi/
  46. res-xxhdpi/
  47. res-xxxhdpi/
  48. scripts/
  49. sepolicy/
  50. simg2img/
  51. tests/
  52. toolbox/
  53. tools/
  54. toybox/
  55. twrpDigest/
  56. twrpTarMain/
  57. uncrypt/
  58. update_verifier/
  59. updater/
  60. verifier24/
  61. .clang-format
  62. .gitignore
  63. adb_install.cpp
  64. adb_install.h
  65. Android.bp
  67. asn1_decoder.cpp
  68. asn1_decoder.h
  69. bootloader.h
  71. common.h
  72. data.cpp
  73. data.hpp
  74. default_device.cpp
  75. device.cpp
  76. device.h
  77. error_code.h
  78. exclude.cpp
  79. exclude.hpp
  80. find_file.cpp
  81. find_file.hpp
  82. fixContexts.cpp
  83. fixContexts.hpp
  84. fuse.h
  85. fuse_sdcard_provider.cpp
  86. fuse_sdcard_provider.h
  87. fuse_sideload.cpp
  88. fuse_sideload.h
  89. infomanager.cpp
  90. infomanager.hpp
  91. install.cpp
  92. install.h
  93. installcommand.cpp
  94. installcommand.h
  96. legacy_properties.h
  97. legacy_property_service.cpp
  98. legacy_property_service.h
  99. mounts.c
  100. mounts.cpp
  101. mounts.h
  102. mounts.h~HEAD
  103. NOTICE
  104. openrecoveryscript.cpp
  105. openrecoveryscript.hpp
  106. OWNERS
  107. partition.cpp
  108. partitionmanager.cpp
  109. partitions.hpp
  110. print_sha1.h
  111. progresstracking.cpp
  112. progresstracking.hpp
  114. recovery-persist.cpp
  115. recovery-persist.rc
  116. recovery-refresh.cpp
  117. recovery-refresh.rc
  118. recovery.cpp
  119. recovery_ui.h
  120. roots.cpp
  121. roots.h
  122. rotate_logs.cpp
  123. rotate_logs.h
  124. screen_ui.cpp
  125. screen_ui.h
  126. set_metadata.cpp
  127. set_metadata.h
  128. stub_ui.h
  129. tarWrite.c
  130. tarWrite.h
  131. tw_atomic.cpp
  132. tw_atomic.hpp
  133. twcommon.h
  134. twinstall.cpp
  135. twinstall.h
  136. twinstallorig.cpp
  137. twinstallorig.h
  138. twrp-functions.cpp
  139. twrp-functions.hpp
  140. twrp.cpp
  141. twrpAdbBuFifo.cpp
  142. twrpAdbBuFifo.hpp
  143. twrpDigestDriver.cpp
  144. twrpDigestDriver.hpp
  145. twrpTar.cpp
  146. twrpTar.h
  147. twrpTar.hpp
  148. ui.cpp
  149. ui.h
  150. variables.h
  151. verifier.cpp
  152. verifier.h
  153. vr_device.cpp
  154. vr_ui.cpp
  155. vr_ui.h
  156. wear_device.cpp
  157. wear_ui.cpp
  158. wear_ui.h
  159. zipwrap.cpp
  160. zipwrap.hpp

Team Win Recovery Project (TWRP)

You can find a compiling guide here.