TWRP-ify AOSP code
Pull in most TWRP sources
Stub out partition management code
Make it compile -- probably will not boot
Kind of a mess but have to start somewhere
diff --git a/prebuilt/sdparted b/prebuilt/sdparted
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..730d5dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/prebuilt/sdparted
@@ -0,0 +1,658 @@
+# do logging, if not excluded with -x
+[ "$1" != "-x" ] && echo "$0" "$@" >> "$LOGFILE" && "$0" -x "$@" 2>&1 | tee -a "$LOGFILE" && exit
+ShowError() { echo ; echo " err: $1" ; echo ; exit 1 ; }
+ShowMessage() { echo ; echo " msg: $1" ; }
+ShowHelp() {
+if you use this script in your work, please give some credit. thanks.
+requirements: cm-recovery-v1.4
+usage: $SCRIPTNAME [options]
+ --fatsize|-fs SIZE[MG] set the size of the fat32 partition to <SIZE>.
+ default=total sdcard size - (ext + swap)
+ --extsize|-es SIZE[MG] set the size of the ext partition to <SIZE>.
+ default=$EXTSIZE
+ --swapsize|-ss SIZE[MG] set the size of the swap partition to <SIZE>.
+ if set to 0, no swap partition will be created.
+ default=$SWAPSIZE
+ --extfs|-efs TYPE set the filesystem of ext partition to <TYPE>.
+ valid types=ext2, ext3, ext4
+ default=$EXTFS
+ --upgradefs|-ufs TYPE upgrades existing ext partition to <TYPE>.
+ this operation will NOT wipe your sdcard and
+ cannot be used with any partition creation options.
+ valid types=ext3, ext4
+ --downgradefs|-dfs TYPE downgrades existing ext partition to <TYPE>.
+ this operation will NOT wipe your sdcard and
+ cannot be used with any partition creation options.
+ valid types=ext2
+ --interactive|-i interactive mode
+ --help|-h display this help
+ --printonly|-po display sdcard information
+ --silent|-s do not prompt user, not even initial warning.
+ $SCRIPTNAME creates swap=$SWAPSIZE ext2=$EXTSIZE fat32=remaining free space
+ $SCRIPTNAME -efs ext4 creates swap=$SWAPSIZE ext4=$EXTSIZE fat32=remaining free space
+ $SCRIPTNAME -fs 1.5G -efs ext3 creates swap=$SWAPSIZE ext3=$EXTSIZE fat32=1536
+ $SCRIPTNAME -es 256M -ss 0 creates no swap ext2=256 fat32=remaining free space
+ $SCRIPTNAME -ufs ext4 upgrades ext partition to ext4
+UserAbort() {
+ while [ -z "$WHILEEXIT" ]
+ do
+ echo -n "do you want to continue? (Y/n) "
+ read response
+ echo
+ [ "$response" = "Y" ] || [ "$response" = "n" ] || [ "$response" = "N" ] && WHILEEXIT="$response"
+ done
+ echo "$response" > /dev/null 2>&1 >>"$LOGFILE"
+ [ "$response" != "Y" ]
+UnmountAll () {
+ # unmount all partitions so we can work with $SDPATH
+ # i'm assuming no more than 3 partitions
+ # maybe make a little more elegant later
+ echo -n "unmounting all partitions..."
+ umount "$FATPATH" > /dev/null 2>&1 >>"$LOGFILE"
+ umount "$EXTPATH" > /dev/null 2>&1 >>"$LOGFILE"
+ umount "$SWAPPATH" > /dev/null 2>&1 >>"$LOGFILE"
+ echo "done"
+ echo
+CheckReqs() {
+ echo -n "checking script requirements..."
+ # check for valid sdcard
+ [ -e $SDPATH ] || ShowError "$SDPATH does not exist!"
+ # look for necessary programs
+ [ -e $CMPARTED ] || ShowError "$CMPARTED does not exist!"
+ [ -e $CMTUNE2FS ] || ShowError "$CMTUNE2FS does not exist!"
+ [ -e $CME2FSCK ] || ShowError "$CME2FSCK does not exist!"
+ # verify cm-v1.4
+ PARTEDREV=`"$CMPARTED" "$SDPATH" version | grep Parted | cut -d" " -f3`
+ [ "$PARTEDREV" == "" ] || ShowError "you are not using parted v1.!"
+ echo "done"
+ echo
+CheckTableType() {
+ TABLETYPE=`"$CMPARTED" "$SDPATH" print | grep Table: | cut -d" " -f3`
+ [ "$TABLETYPE" == "loop" -o "$TABLETYPE" == "msdos" ] && TTISOK=1 || TTISOK=0
+ [ "$TABLETYPE" == "loop" ] && TTISLOOP=1 || TTISLOOP=0
+ [ "$TABLETYPE" == "msdos" ] && TTISMSDOS=1 || TTISMOSDOS=0
+ValidateExtArg() {
+ FUNC_RET="nonzero"
+ # validating argument
+ [ "$1" != "ext2" ] && [ "$1" != "ext3" ] && [ "$1" != "ext4" ] && FUNC_RET=
+ [ -z "$FUNC_RET" ] && [ -z "$IMODE" ] && ShowError "$1 is not a valid filesystem."
+ [ -z "$FUNC_RET" ] && [ -n "$IMODE" ] && ShowMessage "$1 is not a valid filesystem."
+ # return valid argument
+ [ -n "$FUNC_RET" ] && FUNC_RET="$1"
+ValidateSizeArg() {
+ # check for zero-length arg to protect expr length
+ [ -z "$1" ] && ShowError "zero-length argument passed to size-validator"
+ ARGLEN=`expr length $1`
+ SIZEARG=`expr substr $1 1 $SIZELEN`
+ SIZEUNIT=`expr substr $1 $ARGLEN 1`
+ # check if SIZEARG is an integer
+ if [ $SIZEARG -eq $SIZEARG 2> /dev/null ] ; then
+ # look for G
+ [ "$SIZEUNIT" == "G" ] && SIZEMB=$(($SIZEARG * 1024))
+ # look for M
+ # no units on arg AND prevents using bogus size units
+ [ -z "$SIZEMB" ] && [ $SIZEUNIT -eq $SIZEUNIT 2> /dev/null ] && SIZEMB=$1
+ # check if SIZEARG is a floating point number, GB only
+ elif [ `expr index "$SIZEARG" .` != 0 ] && [ "$SIZEUNIT" == "G" ] ; then
+ INT=`echo "$SIZEARG" | cut -d"." -f1`
+ FRAC=`echo "$SIZEARG" | cut -d"." -f2`
+ SIGDIGITS=`expr length $FRAC`
+ [ -z "$INT" ] && INT=0
+ INTMB=$(($INT * 1024))
+ FRACMB=$((($FRAC * 1024) / (10**$SIGDIGITS)))
+ # it's not a valid size
+ else
+ [ -z "$IMODE" ] && ShowError "$1 is not a valid size"
+ fi
+ [ -z "$SIZEMB" ] && [ -n "$IMODE" ] && ShowMessage "$1 is not a valid size"
+ # return valid argument in MB
+CalculatePartitions() {
+ # get size of sdcard in MB & do some math
+ SDSIZEMB=`"$CMPARTED" "$SDPATH" unit MB print | grep $SDPATH | cut -d" " -f3`
+ # check for fatsize of 0
+ [ $FATSIZE -le 0 ] && ShowError "must have a fat32 partition greater than 0MB"
+ # check for zero-length sdsize...
+ # indicative of parted not reporting length
+ # correctly b/c of error on sdcard
+ [ -z "$SDSIZE" ] && ShowError "zero-length argument passed to partition-calculator"
+ # make sure we're not being asked to do the impossible
+ [ $(($FATSIZE + $EXTSIZE + $SWAPSIZE)) -gt $SDSIZE ] && [ -z "$IMODE" ] && ShowError "sum of requested partitions is greater than sdcard size"
+UpgradeDowngradeOnly() {
+ if [ -n "$UEXTFSONLY" ] ; then
+ echo
+ [ -n "$CREATEPART" ] && ShowError "cannot use upgrade option when creating partitions, use -efs instead"
+ [ -n "$DEXTFSONLY" ] && ShowError "cannot upgrade AND downgrade, it just doesn't make sense"
+ echo "you have chosen to upgrade $EXTPATH to $UEXTFSONLY."
+ echo "this action will NOT delete any data from sdcard."
+ echo
+ [ -z "$SILENTRUN" ] && UserAbort && ShowError "script canceled by user"
+ echo
+ UpgradeExt "$UEXTFSONLY"
+ ShowCardInfo
+ elif [ -n "$DEXTFSONLY" ] ; then
+ echo
+ [ -n "$CREATEPART" ] && ShowError "cannot use downgrade option when creating partitions."
+ [ -n "$UEXTFSONLY" ] && ShowError "cannot downgrade AND upgrade, it just doesn't make sense."
+ echo "you have chosen to downgrade $EXTPATH to $DEXTFSONLY."
+ echo "this action will NOT delete any data from sdcard."
+ echo
+ [ -z "$SILENTRUN" ] && UserAbort && ShowError "script canceled by user"
+ echo
+ DowngradeExt "$DEXTFSONLY"
+ ShowCardInfo
+ fi
+PrepareSdCard() {
+ echo
+ if [ $TTISOK -eq 0 ] ; then
+ echo "partition 1 may not be aligned to cylinder boundaries."
+ echo "to continue, this must be corrected."
+ elif [ $TTISLOOP -gt 0 ] ; then
+ echo "your sdcard's partition table type is $TABLETYPE."
+ echo "to continue, partition table must be set to 'msdos'."
+ elif [ $TTISMSDOS -gt 0 ] ; then
+ # just a a later version,
+ # i may implement resizing of partitions,
+ # so this will be unnecessary. but until then...
+ echo "to continue, all existing partitions must be removed."
+ else
+ # this is not good, and should never happen
+ # if it does, there is a serious problem
+ ShowError "sdcard failed table type check."
+ fi
+ echo
+ echo "this action will remove all data from your sdcard."
+ echo
+ [ -z "$SILENTRUN" ] && UserAbort && ShowError "script canceled by user"
+ [ $TTISOK -eq 0 ] && echo -n "correcting cylinder boundaries..."
+ [ $TTISLOOP -gt 0 ] && echo -n "setting partition table to msdos..."
+ [ $TTISMSDOS -gt 0 ] && echo -n "removing all partitions..."
+ "$CMPARTED" -s "$SDPATH" mklabel msdos 2>&1 >>"$LOGFILE"
+ echo "done"
+ echo
+ShowActions() {
+ echo
+ echo "total size of sdcard=$SDSIZEMB"
+ echo
+ echo "the following actions will be performed:"
+ echo " -create $FATSIZE""MB fat32 partition"
+ [ $EXTSIZE -gt 0 ] && echo " -create $EXTSIZE""MB ext2 partition"
+ [ $SWAPSIZE -gt 0 ] && echo " -create $SWAPSIZE""MB swap partition"
+ [ "$EXTFS" != "ext2" ] && echo " -ext2 partition will be upgraded to $EXTFS"
+ echo
+ [ -z "$SILENTRUN" ] && UserAbort && ShowError "script canceled by user"
+ echo
+ShowCardInfo() {
+ echo "sddevice located in /sdcard/sddev.log"
+ echo $SDPATH > /sdcard/sddev.log
+ CheckTableType
+ echo
+ echo "retrieving current sdcard information..."
+ if [ $TTISOK -gt 0 ] ; then
+ echo
+ parted "$SDPATH" print
+ echo
+ echo "script log is located @ /data/sdparted.log"
+ exit 0
+ else
+ echo
+ echo "partition 1 may not be aligned to cylinder boundaries."
+ ShowError "cannot complete print operation."
+ fi
+ echo
+PartitionSdCard() {
+ echo "performing selected actions..."
+ echo
+ if [ $FATSIZE -gt 0 ] ; then
+ echo -n "creating fat32 partition..."
+ "$CMPARTED" -s "$SDPATH" mkpartfs primary fat32 0 "$FATSIZE"MB 2>&1 >>"$LOGFILE"
+ echo "done"
+ fi
+ if [ $EXTSIZE -gt 0 ] ; then
+ echo -n "creating ext2 partition..."
+ "$CMPARTED" -s "$SDPATH" mkpartfs primary ext2 "$FATSIZE"MB "$EXTEND"MB 2>&1 >>"$LOGFILE"
+ "$CMTUNE2FS" -L sd-ext "$EXTPATH" 2>&1 >>"$LOGFILE"
+ echo "done"
+ fi
+ if [ $SWAPSIZE -gt 0 ] ; then
+ echo -n "creating swap partition..."
+ "$CMPARTED" -s "$SDPATH" mkpartfs primary linux-swap "$EXTEND"MB "$SWAPEND"MB 2>&1 >>"$LOGFILE"
+ echo "done"
+ fi
+ echo
+UpgradeExt() {
+ # check for no upgrade
+ [ "$1" == "ext2" ] && return
+ # check for ext partition
+ [ ! -e "$EXTPATH" ] && ShowError "$EXTPATH does not exist"
+ # have to use -m switch for this check b/c parted incorrectly
+ # reports all ext partitions as ext2 when running print <number>
+ CHECKEXTFS=`"$CMPARTED" -m "$SDPATH" print | grep ext | cut -d":" -f5`
+ [ "$CHECKEXTFS" == "$1" ] && ShowError "$EXTPATH is already $1"
+ # grabbed the code bits for ext3 from upgrade_fs(credit:cyanogen)
+ # check for ext2...must upgrade to ext3 first b4 ext4
+ if [ "$1" == "ext3" -o "$1" == "ext4" ] ; then
+ echo -n "adding journaling to $EXTPATH..."
+ umount /system/sd > /dev/null 2>&1 >>"$LOGFILE"
+ "$CME2FSCK" -p "$EXTPATH" 2>&1 >>"$LOGFILE"
+ "$CMTUNE2FS" -c0 -i0 -j "$EXTPATH" 2>&1 >>"$LOGFILE"
+ echo "done"
+ fi
+ # and got convert to ext4 from xda-forum(credit:Denkai)
+ if [ "$1" == "ext4" ] ; then
+ echo -n "converting $EXTPATH to ext4 filesystem..."
+ umount /system/sd > /dev/null 2>&1 >>"$LOGFILE"
+ "$CMTUNE2FS" -O extents,uninit_bg,dir_index "$EXTPATH" 2>&1 >>"$LOGFILE"
+ "$CME2FSCK" -fpDC0 "$EXTPATH" 2>&1 >>"$LOGFILE"
+ echo "done"
+ fi
+ echo
+DowngradeExt() {
+ # check for ext partition
+ [ ! -e "$EXTPATH" ] && ShowError "$EXTPATH does not exist"
+ # have to use print for this check b/c parted incorrectly
+ # reports all ext partitions as ext2 when running print <number>
+ CHECKEXTFS=`"$CMPARTED" -m "$SDPATH" print | grep ext | cut -d":" -f5`
+ [ "$CHECKEXTFS" == "$1" ] && ShowError "$EXTPATH is already $1"
+ if [ "$CHECKEXTFS" == "ext4" -o "$1" == "ext3" ] ; then
+ # interweb says downgrading from ext4 is not possible
+ # without a backup/restore procedure.
+ # if i figure it out, i'll implement it.
+ ShowError "downgrading from ext4 is not currently supported"
+ fi
+ if [ "$1" == "ext2" ] ; then
+ echo -n "removing journaling from $EXTPATH..."
+ umount /system/sd > /dev/null 2>&1 >>"$LOGFILE"
+ "$CMTUNE2FS" -O ^has_journal "$EXTPATH" 2>&1 >>"$LOGFILE"
+ "$CME2FSCK" -fp "$EXTPATH" 2>&1 >>"$LOGFILE"
+ echo "done"
+ fi
+ echo
+Interactive() {
+sdparted interactive mode
+1. no answer means you accept default value
+2. enter '0' for no partition
+ UserAbort && ShowError "script canceled by user"
+ CalculatePartitions
+ GetSwapSize
+ CalculatePartitions
+ GetExtSize
+ GetExtType
+ CalculatePartitions
+ GetFatSize
+GetSwapSize() {
+ while [ -z "$SWAPTEST" ]
+ do
+ echo
+ echo -n "swap partition size [default=$SWAPSIZE]: "
+ echo "$SWAPRESP" > /dev/null 2>&1 >>"$LOGFILE"
+ ValidateSizeArg "$SWAPRESP"
+ [ -n "$SWAPTEST" ] && [ $SWAPTEST -gt $SDSIZE ] && ShowMessage "$SWAPRESP > available space($(($SDSIZE))M)." && SWAPTEST=
+ done
+GetExtSize() {
+ while [ -z "$EXTTEST" ]
+ do
+ echo
+ echo -n "ext partition size [default=$EXTSIZE]: "
+ read EXTRESP
+ echo "$EXTRESP" > /dev/null 2>&1 >>"$LOGFILE"
+ ValidateSizeArg "$EXTRESP"
+ [ -n "$EXTTEST" ] && [ $EXTTEST -gt $(($SDSIZE - $SWAPSIZE)) ] && ShowMessage "$EXTRESP > available space($(($SDSIZE - $SWAPSIZE))M)." && EXTTEST=
+ done
+GetExtType() {
+ while [ -z "$FSTEST" ]
+ do
+ echo
+ echo -n "ext partition type [default=$EXTFS]: "
+ read FSRESP
+ [ -z "$FSRESP" ] && FSRESP="$EXTFS"
+ echo "$FSRESP" > /dev/null 2>&1 >>"$LOGFILE"
+ ValidateExtArg "$FSRESP"
+ done
+GetFatSize() {
+ while [ -z "$FATTEST" ]
+ do
+ echo
+ echo -n "fat partition size [default=$FATSIZE]: "
+ read FATRESP
+ echo "$FATRESP" > /dev/null 2>&1 >>"$LOGFILE"
+ ValidateSizeArg "$FATRESP"
+ [ -n "$FATTEST" ] && [ $FATTEST -gt $FATSIZE ] && ShowMessage "$FATRESP > available space($(($SDSIZE - $SWAPSIZE - $EXTSIZE))M)." && FATTEST=
+ [ -n "$FATTEST" ] && [ $FATTEST -le 0 ] && ShowMessage "must have a fat32 partition greater than 0MB" && FATTEST=
+ done
+SDINFO=$(cat /etc/fstab | grep /sdcard | awk '{print $1}')
+if [ -L "$SDINFO" ]
+ SDPATH=$(ls -l $SDINFO | awk '{print $11}')
+# we may now have an SDPATH, let's make sure its on mmcblkX or mmcblkXp1
+CHECK_SDPATH1=$(echo $SDPATH | grep mmcblk.$)
+CHECK_SDPATH2=$(echo $SDPATH | grep mmcblk.p1$)
+if [ -z "$CHECK_SDPATH1" ]
+ if [ -z "$CHECK_SDPATH2" ]
+ then
+ echo fail1
+ unset SDPATH
+ else
+ BLKLEN=$(expr $LEN - 2)
+ fi
+# give the output some breathing room
+echo "$SCRIPTREV" >> "$LOGFILE"
+# check for arguments
+while [ $# -gt 0 ] ; do
+ case "$1" in
+ -h|--help) ShowHelp ; exit 0 ;;
+ -fs|--fatsize) shift ; ValidateSizeArg "$1" ; FATSIZE="$FUNC_RET" ; CREATEPART="$1" ;;
+ -es|--extsize) shift ; ValidateSizeArg "$1" ; EXTSIZE="$FUNC_RET" ; CREATEPART="$1" ;;
+ -ss|--swapsize) shift ; ValidateSizeArg "$1" ; SWAPSIZE="$FUNC_RET" ; CREATEPART="$1" ;;
+ -efs|--extfs) shift ; ValidateExtArg "$1" ; EXTFS="$FUNC_RET" ; CREATEPART="$1" ;;
+ -ufs|--upgradefs) shift ; ValidateExtArg "$1" ; UEXTFSONLY="$FUNC_RET" ;;
+ -dfs|--downgradefs) shift ; ValidateExtArg "$1" ; DEXTFSONLY="$FUNC_RET" ;;
+ -i|--interactive) IMODE="$1" ;;
+ -s|--silent) SILENTRUN="$1" ;;
+ -po|--printonly) ShowCardInfo ;;
+ *) ShowHelp ; ShowError "unknown argument '$1'" ;;
+ esac
+ shift
+# can't do silent when in interactive mode
+[ -n "$IMODE" ] && SILENTRUN=
+# make sure sdcard exists and all needed files are here
+# unmount all
+# upgrade only? downgrade only?
+# check table
+# prep card
+# check for interactive mode
+[ -n "$IMODE" ] && Interactive
+# do some math
+# last chance to cancel
+# partition card
+# upgrade fs if necessary
+UpgradeExt "$EXTFS"
+# say goodbye and show print output