Fix for Change TWRP Folder

Although the "Change TWRP Folder" function apparently works on unencrypted devices, when we reboot to recover the folder is changed to the default (TWRP). This is happening, from what I could verify, since the TWRP A10.

There was a previous fix just for the function to reappear in the GUI

This patch is intended to fix the function by making it work with encrypted or unencrypted device.

Signed-off-by: Fernando Oliveira <>
Change-Id: I1f01b3624cc0cad77f66022a724160c3e1c30e3e
(cherry picked from commit 073c430afe5e09f521de92307b88b819603fe90c)
1 file changed
tree: e679f85cda25bf117ba2274cd7e2fb122146fb6f
  1. .github/
  2. adbbu/
  3. applypatch/
  4. attr/
  5. bmlutils/
  6. bootloader_message/
  7. crypto/
  8. dosfstools/
  9. edify/
  10. etc/
  11. exfat/
  12. fastboot/
  13. fb2png/
  14. flashutils/
  15. fonts/
  16. fuse/
  17. fuse_sideload/
  18. gpt/
  19. gui/
  20. htcdumlock/
  21. injecttwrp/
  22. install/
  23. libblkid/
  24. libcrecovery/
  25. libmincrypt/
  26. libpixelflinger/
  27. libtar/
  28. minadbd/
  29. minui/
  30. minuitwrp/
  31. minzip/
  32. mmcutils/
  33. mtdutils/
  34. mtp/
  35. openaes/
  36. orscmd/
  37. otafault/
  38. otautil/
  39. ozip_decrypt/
  40. pigz/
  41. prebuilt/
  42. recovery_ui/
  43. recovery_utils/
  44. res/
  45. res-hdpi/
  46. res-mdpi/
  47. res-xhdpi/
  48. res-xxhdpi/
  49. res-xxxhdpi/
  50. scripts/
  51. sepolicy/
  52. simg2img/
  53. soong/
  54. tests/
  55. tools/
  56. twrpDigest/
  57. twrpinstall/
  58. twrpTarMain/
  59. uncrypt/
  60. update_verifier/
  61. updater/
  62. updater_sample/
  63. .clang-format
  64. .gitignore
  65. abx-functions.hpp
  66. Android.bp
  68. BasePartition.cpp
  69. bootloader.h
  71. data.cpp
  72. data.hpp
  73. exclude.cpp
  74. exclude.hpp
  75. find_file.cpp
  76. find_file.hpp
  77. fixContexts.cpp
  78. fixContexts.hpp
  79. fuse.h
  80. infomanager.cpp
  81. infomanager.hpp
  83. kernel_module_loader.cpp
  84. kernel_module_loader.hpp
  85. legacy_properties.h
  86. libaosprecovery_defaults.go
  88. mounts.c
  89. NOTICE
  90. openrecoveryscript.cpp
  91. openrecoveryscript.hpp
  92. OWNERS
  93. partition.cpp
  94. partitionmanager.cpp
  95. partitions.hpp
  96. PREUPLOAD.cfg
  97. progresstracking.cpp
  98. progresstracking.hpp
  100. recovery-persist.cpp
  101. recovery-persist.rc
  102. recovery-refresh.cpp
  103. recovery-refresh.rc
  104. recovery.cpp
  105. recovery.h
  106. recovery_main.cpp
  107. recovery_ui.h
  108. startupArgs.cpp
  109. startupArgs.hpp
  110. tarWrite.c
  111. tarWrite.h
  113. twcommon.h
  114. twrp-functions.cpp
  115. twrp-functions.hpp
  116. twrp.cpp
  117. twrpAdbBuFifo.cpp
  118. twrpAdbBuFifo.hpp
  119. twrpApex.cpp
  120. twrpApex.hpp
  121. twrpDigestDriver.cpp
  122. twrpDigestDriver.hpp
  123. twrpRepacker.cpp
  124. twrpRepacker.hpp
  125. twrpTar.cpp
  126. twrpTar.h
  127. twrpTar.hpp
  128. variables.h