fastboot: allow device to start required healthd and boot-hal services

Change-Id: Iac1d20ce26d49e7a99071c968d8c8e654e5ff1c6
diff --git a/etc/init/android.hardware.boot@1.0-service.rc b/etc/init/android.hardware.boot@1.0-service.rc
index bc23757..395a14d 100644
--- a/etc/init/android.hardware.boot@1.0-service.rc
+++ b/etc/init/android.hardware.boot@1.0-service.rc
@@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
-on post-fs
-    #start boot-hal-1-0
 service boot-hal-1-0 /system/bin/android.hardware.boot@1.0-service
     user root
     group root
diff --git a/etc/init/android.hardware.boot@1.1-service.rc b/etc/init/android.hardware.boot@1.1-service.rc
index af3b505..c929d14 100644
--- a/etc/init/android.hardware.boot@1.1-service.rc
+++ b/etc/init/android.hardware.boot@1.1-service.rc
@@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
-on post-fs
-    start boot-hal-1-1
 service boot-hal-1-1 /system/bin/android.hardware.boot@1.1-service
     user root
     group root
diff --git a/etc/init/ b/etc/init/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef17467
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc/init/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+on boot
+    start health-hal-2-0
+service health-hal-2-0 /system/bin/
+    disabled
+    user root
+    group root
+    capabilities WAKE_ALARM
+    file /dev/kmsg w
+    seclabel u:r:recovery:s0