Merge "recovery: Revoke (most of) short options."
diff --git a/applypatch/applypatch.cpp b/applypatch/applypatch.cpp
index 39b8030..14137de 100644
--- a/applypatch/applypatch.cpp
+++ b/applypatch/applypatch.cpp
@@ -672,6 +672,14 @@
     printf("bonus size %zu sha1 %s\n", bonus_data->data.size(), short_sha1(bonus_digest).c_str());
+    // TODO(b/67849209) Remove after debugging the unit test flakiness.
+    if (android::base::GetMinimumLogSeverity() <= android::base::LogSeverity::DEBUG) {
+      if (WriteToPartition(reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(memory_sink_str.c_str()),
+                           memory_sink_str.size(), target_filename) != 0) {
+        LOG(DEBUG) << "Failed to write patched data " << target_filename;
+      }
+    }
     return 1;
   } else {
     printf("now %s\n", short_sha1(target_sha1).c_str());
diff --git a/applypatch/imgpatch.cpp b/applypatch/imgpatch.cpp
index b06a64f..c4c2707 100644
--- a/applypatch/imgpatch.cpp
+++ b/applypatch/imgpatch.cpp
@@ -60,6 +60,11 @@
   int mem_level = Read4(deflate_header + 52);
   int strategy = Read4(deflate_header + 56);
+  // TODO(b/67849209) Remove after debugging the unit test flakiness.
+  if (android::base::GetMinimumLogSeverity() <= android::base::LogSeverity::DEBUG) {
+    LOG(DEBUG) << "zlib version " << zlibVersion();
+  }
   z_stream strm;
   strm.zalloc = Z_NULL;
   strm.zfree = Z_NULL;
@@ -101,26 +106,17 @@
       size_t have = buffer_size - strm.avail_out;
       total_written += have;
-      // TODO(b/67849209) Remove after debugging the unit test flakiness.
-      if (android::base::GetMinimumLogSeverity() <= android::base::LogSeverity::DEBUG &&
-          have != 0) {
-        SHA1_Update(&sha_ctx, data, len - strm.avail_in);
-        SHA_CTX temp_ctx;
-        memcpy(&temp_ctx, &sha_ctx, sizeof(SHA_CTX));
-        uint8_t digest_so_far[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH];
-        SHA1_Final(digest_so_far, &temp_ctx);
-        LOG(DEBUG) << "Processed " << actual_target_length + len - strm.avail_in
-                   << " bytes input data in the sink function, sha1 so far: "
-                   << short_sha1(digest_so_far);
-      }
       if (sink(, have) != have) {
         LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to write " << have << " compressed bytes to output.";
         return 0;
     } while ((strm.avail_in != 0 || strm.avail_out == 0) && ret != Z_STREAM_END);
+    // TODO(b/67849209) Remove after debugging the unit test flakiness.
+    if (android::base::GetMinimumLogSeverity() <= android::base::LogSeverity::DEBUG) {
+      SHA1_Update(&sha_ctx, data, len);
+    }
     actual_target_length += len;
     return len;