Adopted Storage: Add support for mixed mode sdcards

* Adds support for mixed adopted storage + removable
  storage partitioned sdcards.

* Also symlinks Adopted Storage datamedia folder to an
  available /sdcardN (N being 2 through 9) folder.

* Requires a suitable entry in fstab, for example:

    # Removable Storage
    /sd_ext ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk1p2 /dev/block/mmcblk1
    /external_sd vfat /dev/block/mmcblk1p1 /dev/block/mmcblk1

  /sd_ext will be the mountpoint for adopted storage, and /sdcardN
  will become symlinked to /sd_ext/data/media[/0]

* Fix adopted storage nickname being ""

* Output adopted partition info after successful decrypt

* Mimic single lun code for multi lun devices:
  "Mount CurrentStoragePath if it's not /data"

Change-Id: I3874c09f1a1c3a81f04277e17f17cc03ecb4184a
diff --git a/partitionmanager.cpp b/partitionmanager.cpp
index b1ddb99..a4d84ec 100755
--- a/partitionmanager.cpp
+++ b/partitionmanager.cpp
@@ -2157,8 +2157,12 @@
 			Mount2 = Find_Next_Storage(Mount1->Mount_Point, true);
 			if (Mount2 && Mount2->Mount_Point != Mount1->Mount_Point) {
 				Open_Lun_File(Mount2->Mount_Point, lun_file);
+			// Mimic single lun code: Mount CurrentStoragePath if it's not /data
+			} else if (TWFunc::Get_Root_Path(DataManager::GetCurrentStoragePath()) != "/data") {
+				Open_Lun_File(DataManager::GetCurrentStoragePath(), lun_file);
-		} else {
+		// Mimic single lun code: Mount CurrentStoragePath if it's not /data
+		} else if (TWFunc::Get_Root_Path(DataManager::GetCurrentStoragePath()) != "/data" && !Open_Lun_File(DataManager::GetCurrentStoragePath(), lun_file)) {
 			gui_err("unable_locate_storage=Unable to locate storage device.");
 			goto error_handle;