HACK: fix input focus on terminal

This makes the terminal grab focus no matter what on SetPageFocus
which isn't ideal but it's unlikely that any other visible input
elements will be on the page with a terminal anyway.

Credit _that for pointing me in the right direction for this fix.

Change-Id: I2b0e6fc1169521f58e863c58f7ef3578413dfb21
1 file changed
tree: 3092b4f47d6403be1fc467bb29de65ec5deead7e
  1. applypatch/
  2. bmlutils/
  3. crypto/
  4. digest/
  5. dosfstools/
  6. edify/
  7. etc/
  8. exfat/
  9. fb2png/
  10. flashutils/
  11. fonts/
  12. fuse/
  13. gpt/
  14. gui/
  15. htcdumlock/
  16. injecttwrp/
  17. libblkid/
  18. libcrecovery/
  19. libmincrypt/
  20. libpixelflinger/
  21. libtar/
  22. minadbd/
  23. minadbd.old/
  24. minui/
  25. minui.old/
  26. minuitwrp/
  27. minzip/
  28. mmcutils/
  29. mtdutils/
  30. mtp/
  31. openaes/
  32. orscmd/
  33. pigz/
  34. prebuilt/
  35. res/
  36. res-hdpi/
  37. res-mdpi/
  38. res-xhdpi/
  39. res-xxhdpi/
  40. res-xxxhdpi/
  41. scripts/
  42. sepolicy/
  43. simg2img/
  44. testdata/
  45. tests/
  46. toolbox/
  47. tools/
  48. toybox/
  49. twrpTarMain/
  50. uncrypt/
  51. updater/
  52. .gitignore
  53. adb_install.cpp
  54. adb_install.h
  55. Android.mk
  56. asn1_decoder.cpp
  57. asn1_decoder.h
  58. bootloader.cpp
  59. bootloader.h
  60. CleanSpec.mk
  61. common.h
  62. data.cpp
  63. data.hpp
  64. default_device.cpp
  65. device.cpp
  66. device.h
  67. find_file.cpp
  68. find_file.hpp
  69. fixContexts.cpp
  70. fixContexts.hpp
  71. fuse.h
  72. fuse_sdcard_provider.c
  73. fuse_sdcard_provider.h
  74. fuse_sideload.c
  75. fuse_sideload.h
  76. infomanager.cpp
  77. infomanager.hpp
  78. install.cpp
  79. install.h
  80. interlace-frames.py
  81. legacy_properties.h
  82. legacy_property_service.c
  83. legacy_property_service.h
  84. mounts.c
  85. mounts.h
  86. NOTICE
  87. openrecoveryscript.cpp
  88. openrecoveryscript.hpp
  89. partition.cpp
  90. partitionmanager.cpp
  91. partitions.hpp
  92. progresstracking.cpp
  93. progresstracking.hpp
  94. README.md
  95. recovery.cpp
  96. recovery_ui.h
  97. roots.cpp
  98. roots.h
  99. screen_ui.cpp
  100. screen_ui.h
  101. set_metadata.c
  102. set_metadata.h
  103. tarWrite.c
  104. tarWrite.h
  105. tw_atomic.cpp
  106. tw_atomic.hpp
  107. twcommon.h
  108. twinstall.cpp
  109. twinstall.h
  110. twrp-functions.cpp
  111. twrp-functions.hpp
  112. twrp.cpp
  113. twrpDigest.cpp
  114. twrpDigest.hpp
  115. twrpDU.cpp
  116. twrpDU.hpp
  117. twrpTar.cpp
  118. twrpTar.h
  119. twrpTar.hpp
  120. ui.cpp
  121. ui.h
  122. variables.h
  123. verifier.cpp
  124. verifier.h
  125. verifier_test.cpp
  126. verifier_test.sh

Team Win Recovery Project (TWRP)

You can find a compiling guide here.