gui: use XML-based page for splash screen instead of a static jpg

For devices with an unusual aspect ratio, stretching a bitmap to
the screen resolution is sub-optimal. So let's reuse our XML engine
that allows assembling the splash screen from individual parts.

The splash page is loaded from a separate XML file for quick loading.

Change-Id: I2d3dad26e42fcefaf563dacdf0ffa61f209dada1
diff --git a/gui/theme/watch_mdpi/splash.xml b/gui/theme/watch_mdpi/splash.xml
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..81bef45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gui/theme/watch_mdpi/splash.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>


+	<details>

+		<resolution width="320" height="320"/>

+		<author>TeamWin</author>

+		<title>TWRP</title>

+		<description>Default basic theme</description>

+		<preview>preview.jpg</preview>

+		<themeversion>1</themeversion>

+	</details>


+	<resources>

+		<font name="font_l" filename="RobotoCondensed-Regular.ttf" size="24"/>

+		<image name="splashlogo" filename="splashlogo" retainaspect="1"/>

+		<image name="splashteamwin" filename="splashteamwin" retainaspect="1"/>

+	</resources>


+	<variables>

+		<variable name="screen_width" value="320"/>

+		<variable name="screen_height" value="320"/>

+		<variable name="background_color" value="#222222"/>

+		<variable name="header_color" value="#555555"/>

+		<variable name="accent_color" value="#0090CA"/>

+	</variables>


+	<pages>

+		<page name="splash">

+			<background color="%background_color%"/>


+			<fill color="%header_color%">

+				<placement x="0" y="0" w="%screen_width%" h="120"/>

+			</fill>


+			<image>

+				<image resource="splashlogo"/>

+				<placement x="160" y="120" placement="4"/>

+			</image>


+			<image>

+				<image resource="splashteamwin"/>

+				<placement x="160" y="270" placement="4"/>

+			</image>


+			<text color="%header_color%">

+				<font resource="font_l"/>

+				<placement x="160" y="290" placement="5"/>

+				<text>Recovery Project %tw_version%</text>

+			</text>

+		</page>

+	</pages>

