Show wipe data confirmation text in recovery mode

After we generate the localized confirmation text images for certain dpi,
we can now load these images and display them under recovery. Devices that
cannot load the images will use the backup text strings as before.

Bug: 74397117
Test: check the menu with multiple locales, and check all the images locally
with locale test, check the fall back strings.
Change-Id: Ic31a55670026c909ec7a05cb0bb4a0fc1d5d15c7
diff --git a/ui.h b/ui.h
index 1e6186a..4924fec 100644
--- a/ui.h
+++ b/ui.h
@@ -169,6 +169,13 @@
                                         const std::vector<std::string>& backup_items,
                                         const std::function<int(int, bool)>& key_handler) = 0;
+  // Displays the localized wipe data confirmation menu with pre-generated images. Falls back to
+  // the text strings upon failures. The initial selection is the 0th item, which returns to the
+  // upper level menu.
+  virtual size_t ShowPromptWipeDataConfirmationMenu(
+      const std::vector<std::string>& backup_headers, const std::vector<std::string>& backup_items,
+      const std::function<int(int, bool)>& key_handler) = 0;
   // Resets the key interrupt status.
   void ResetKeyInterruptStatus() {
     key_interrupted_ = false;