Allow recovery to return error codes

Write error code, cause code, and retry count into last_install. So we
can have more information about the reason of a failed OTA.

Example of new last_install:
@/cache/recovery/     package name
0                              install result
retry: 1                       retry count (new)
error: 30                      error code (new)
cause: 12                      error cause (new)

Details in:

Bug: 28471955
Change-Id: I00e7153c821e7355c1be81a86c7f228108f3dc37
diff --git a/updater/updater.cpp b/updater/updater.cpp
index 1693fa1..b5db71e 100644
--- a/updater/updater.cpp
+++ b/updater/updater.cpp
@@ -156,11 +156,28 @@
             printf("script aborted: %s\n", state.errmsg);
             char* line = strtok(state.errmsg, "\n");
             while (line) {
+                // Parse the error code in abort message.
+                // Example: "E30: This package is for bullhead devices."
+                if (*line == 'E') {
+                    if (sscanf(line, "E%u: ", &state.error_code) != 1) {
+                         printf("Failed to parse error code: [%s]\n", line);
+                    }
+                }
                 fprintf(cmd_pipe, "ui_print %s\n", line);
                 line = strtok(NULL, "\n");
             fprintf(cmd_pipe, "ui_print\n");
+        if (state.error_code != kNoError) {
+            fprintf(cmd_pipe, "log error: %d\n", state.error_code);
+            // Cause code should provide additional information about the abort;
+            // report only when an error exists.
+            if (state.cause_code != kNoCause) {
+                fprintf(cmd_pipe, "log cause: %d\n", state.cause_code);
+            }
+        }
         return 7;
     } else {